Which Foods Lower High Blood Pressure?

Garlic is one of the best foods for improving high blood pressure and for your health in general. Eating it raw can also help lower your cholesterol.
Which foods lower high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is considered a “chronic” disease  characterized by an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. Blood pressure is measured in two measures: systolic and diastolic. These numbers of blood pressure are measured when the heart is pumping and when it is resting. How does lowering high blood pressure work?

In this article  we will show you which foods you can eat to lower high blood pressure naturally.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Certain dietary habits, genetic disorders and diseases increase your risk of hypertension. These are the most common factors.


If we eat too much salt, our blood pressure goes up. A third of patients with hypertension are sensitive to sodium, as it increases fluid retention in the body.

Decreased renin production

Dark-skinned people tend to produce less renin (a substance produced by the kidneys), which makes them more prone to high blood pressure. It also means that renin-related drugs will be less effective.

Insulin resistance

Many people with diabetes also suffer from high blood pressure. Insulin has the ability to stimulate activity in the sympathetic nervous system, but without increasing blood pressure. Therefore, insulin problems further contribute to high blood pressure.

Overweight and obesity

Overweight and obesity

There is a link between BMI and high blood pressure. The heart has to work harder to pump blood through veins that are full of fat. This puts more stress on the vein walls.

Genetic predisposition

There are a number of genes that can put you at an increased risk of high blood pressure. There is also a link between high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.  So if you have a family history, the chances of you getting it are higher.


As you get older, you’re also more at risk for high blood pressure because the artery walls thin and the arteries harden. If the artery walls lose their elasticity, the blood flows less well.

What should I eat to lower high blood pressure?

Once you know the reason behind high blood pressure, the next step is to lower it. A low-salt, balanced diet accompanied by exercise and a more relaxed lifestyle can help to overcome this disease.

Here are some of the best foods to eat if you want to lower your blood pressure naturally:



It is perfect for everyone and is considered a super potent antibiotic. Eating one or two cloves of garlic a day (better when raw) lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.

How about eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach? It contains allicin, a substance with properties that lower high blood pressure.


Tomatoes contain amino acids that help lower high blood pressure. Lycopene and glutathione, also found in tomatoes, are two powerful antioxidants that improve circulation.

Put your servings of tomatoes raw in salads, juices or gazpacho.


This rich fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that dissolves blood clots and thins the blood.

Drink pineapple juice at least once a week or eat a few slices of fruit as a light dessert to take advantage of the beneficial properties of this tropical fruit to take advantage of all the beneficial effects it has on your circulation.



Bananas are full of magnesium and potassium and are recommended for people taking diuretics or blood pressure medications (both break down these essential nutrients). They are also good for preventing muscle cramps and are a good source of vitamins.

Eat bananas as a snack or in smoothies.


Carrots are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and are perfect for preventing circulatory problems.

Eat the carrots raw (grated, for example) in salads or smoothies to lower cholesterol, protect blood vessels and prevent arteriosclerosis.


Lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas… Eat them at least three times a week to provide your body with potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, iron and fiber. They are also rich in essential fatty acids and vegetable proteins.

cruciferous vegetables

The whole family of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts, contains antioxidants that prevent arterial degeneration and are good for vascular health.

There are thousands of recipes using these vegetables, which are full of glucosinolates, to help control blood pressure.


This citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. Both nutrients help to keep blood vessels in good condition and improve their elasticity.  As a result, less pressure is placed on the heart.

Use lemons in salad dressings or to flavor dishes.


This rich tropical fruit has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Guava may also help reduce high blood pressure.

This fruit is delicious as a dessert, a snack or to make a natural and refreshing smoothie.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and magnesium (and even more minerals).

Add a teaspoon of chia seeds to a glass of milk, yogurt or juice and drink it with breakfast. Also try it as a topping on desserts, salads and soups. However, remember to moisten the seeds with water to activate them.


This herb has a characteristic taste. It contains a number of substances that reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol or LDL. Turmeric is perfect for preventing cardiovascular disease.

Add it to rice, pasta or fried foods… It is rich and healthy.

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