When Do We Start To Age?

Scientists agree that the age at which we age is the time when cells start to function less well. In that regard, there are many unanswered questions about this process.
When do we start to age?

It is not easy to define exactly when we start to age, because the concept of aging is relative. Some people may have wrinkles but otherwise enjoy excellent health and vitality. On the other hand, some people have smooth skin but poor health.

One aspect that makes it difficult to know when we age is the cultural myths that prevail today. There are many methods that can help you look young, even in old age. However, this does not mean that you have not aged.

Your appearance is just one of the variables that determine when exactly you start aging and it’s certainly not the most important. Other processes more accurately determine the point at which you begin to age.

The aging process

The first thing to say is that aging is a complex process. It is so complex that experts have more questions than answers. It is not easy to determine at what age we start to age, among other things, because this does not happen in all people at the same age.

In fact, not all organs age at the same time. Also, one thing is biological aging and another psychological or social aging. Regardless, it is generally believed that aging begins when a functional tissue decline occurs.

While this isn’t entirely accurate, experts estimate that aging begins when cells start to work worse. This includes the following:

  • Accumulation of gene defects.
  • Shortening of telomeres, which are located at the end of chromosomes.
  • Errors in the elimination of defective proteins.

When do we start to age?

A woman with a young and an old face

There is no consensus on when exactly people begin to age. The most conservative experts point out that this process starts at the age of 25, because then the cells begin to function less. In particular, the gradual process of loss of muscle mass then begins. Read a Spanish article about loss of muscle mass here.

Jaime Miquel, former director of NASA’s aging lab, says people start to age when they turn 30. He indicates that the genetic program starts to deteriorate at that age and that changes in physiognomy occur. These include:

  • Weight gain.
  • The metabolism slows down.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Amnesia.
  • Changes in sleep patterns.

The speed at which the process of aging occurs afterward depends on genetics and people’s lifestyles.

A study from Stanford University

According to a study conducted at Stanford University, aging occurs in three stages and does not occur uniformly. The study was published in the journal Nature Medicine and states that there are five signs of aging:

  • First, a slower metabolism.
  • Weaker bones and bone structure.
  • Also memory problems.
  • Sleep patterns change.
  • Finally, the muscle structure deteriorates.

Based on these parameters, there are three major aging moments. The first occurs at age 34, the second at age 60, and the third at age 78. From that perspective , the age at which we begin to age is 34 years.

According to Tony Wyss-Coray, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences and director of the study, observable changes in blood-borne proteins occur at the indicated ages. That’s what marks these aging peaks.

Chronological Age and Biological Age

The aging process

Chronological age is the traditional concept of age. It refers to the number of years you have lived since your birth. This is in fact a social and cultural indicator. However, from a biological point of view, it is very important.

On the other hand, biological age is measured by cell deterioration. More accurately you could say that it is measured by the energy capacity of the body to repair cell malfunctions.

This can be determined by the length of telomeres. Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes. They shorten each time a cell divides, until they run out and the cell dies. The state of this process allows experts to measure biological age, which does not always coincide with chronological age.

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