The Worst Food To Eat At Night

It is essential that you eat according to the time of day you are in. You should eliminate foods that are high in protein from your evening meals as they contain a lot of energy. This ensures that you will sleep less easily. Chocolate can also prevent you from falling asleep.
The worst foods to eat at night

Often we can’t fall asleep because we feel bloated from our diet. In this way we lose precious sleep and we lack energy for the new day. In this article, we’ll show you some of the worst edibles to eat at night.

Your daily diet is directly related to your health. A good diet guarantees a good general feeling of well-being. That is why it is important to know what we should eat and in what quantities.

Our diet matters

This way we can prevent unwanted damage to our body. There are many nutrient-rich foods that are necessary for our bodies to function optimally, but it is imperative that you eat them at the right time of the day. The functions of the body also vary during the day and that is why it is important to know what you can eat and when.

Foods you should avoid before going to sleep

Pastas and grains

  • Pasta (in any form) should be avoided in the evening  as it will be converted to fat during digestion. This causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and raises the sugar level in the blood. This leads to insomnia.
  • Grains are mistakenly considered a light meal, but remember that grains contain a lot of sugars, which will make it harder for you to sleep at night. If you were to eat grains before going to bed, choose a type that is high in fiber and low in sugar. Also, remember to add some fruit to your meal.

Spicy meals

  • Avoid very spicy meals, especially those that contain a lot of garlic and other spices. This type of food can cause reflux and indigestion and will certainly not help your sleep.

Chocolate and ice cream

  • Chocolate contains nutrients that improve your mood and provide energy to your body. However, this reduces your need for rest.
  • When you eat ice cream in the evening, it is converted into fat and your weight will increase. In addition, the high concentration of fats and sugars will slow down digestion and increase brain activity. This will keep you awake.

Fats, caffeine, alcohol and red meat

  • Foods that contain a lot of fat, such as edibles fried in oil, can cause sleep disturbances  because they are very heavy and difficult to digest.
  • It’s no secret that caffeine is one of the leading causes of insomnia. Many people don’t know that caffeine stays in the body for 8 to 10 hours, giving us energy and alertness the whole time. Not ideal when you want to go to sleep.
  • Even though alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, it has a negative effect on your sleep quality.
  • Red meat is full of fats that are difficult to break down. This keeps our body active for a long time to be able to digest them. Eating this type of food in the evening can therefore cause discomfort in the stomach, such as cramps or spasms, which will again prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Before bedtime

We therefore recommend that you avoid the above-mentioned foods for at least two hours before going to sleep. By the way, your body does not need food at night, because it is in a resting state and therefore does not need energy for activities.

Ultimately, it is always important that you make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep a day. Your body needs this time to recharge itself and to eliminate waste.

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