The Pros And Cons Of Hardwood Floors

Today’s article is about hardwood floors. As you know, it is important to select the most suitable one because of the maintenance it may entail. In that regard, here are some pros and cons of this type of material.
The pros and cons of hardwood floors

Hardwood floors have as many supporters as they have opponents. This is because there are some downsides associated with the excessive care it requires.

It goes beyond the modesty and beauty it can add to a space. The best way to solve this is to know the pros and cons to make an honest assessment.

Benefits of hardwood floors

Wood is a material that attracts a lot of attention because it goes well with most furniture styles and contributes to the way it looks. However, there are other advantages that make it constantly stand out, and has done so for many decades. Read on to find out what benefits we’re talking about here!

1. Thermal insulation

Hardwood floors are great in cold weather, given its enviable coefficient of thermal insulation. This means that it retains the heat in the house, despite the low outside temperatures.

2. Sustainability

Its longevity is high and with proper treatment it can remain intact for generations. Also, the thickness of the floor is proportional to the durability.

3. Hypoallergenic

Hardwood floors do not cause allergies (Spanish link) because they do not trap dust, pollen and other agents that usually lead to nasal discomfort. In other words, they do not absorb dirt components and generally facilitate cleaning.

Hardwood floors are ideal for allergy sufferers

4. Air Purity

The air quality in houses with hardwood floors improves and promotes marked psychological and physiological effects when you are in a recovery stage.

5. Aesthetics

This type of floor is a differentiator for any room. It emphasizes the space and it creates a favorable aesthetic environment for the rest of the objects present in the same space. In addition, the variety of designs and finishes makes it eye-catching.

Disadvantages of hardwood floors

The disadvantages of hardwood floors should also be analyzed to determine its viability for any home. That’s why we’ve listed the main drawbacks in this section.

1. Installation

You have to install it carefully as every little mistake can cause various problems over the years regarding the durability of the hardwood floor. For this reason, it is best to engage a specialist in this area to guarantee an optimal finish.

2. Hardwood Floor Maintenance

This material requires more maintenance than most materials. This is because factors such as humidity, excessive sunlight and scratches from contact with other objects affect this. For this reason, its care requires periodic dedication.

3. Color Changes Over Time

These types of floors lose color over the years, especially if one area is exposed to more sun than another. Unfortunately, it can lead to an unwanted distortion that conflicts with a sense of perfection.

4. Price of hardwood floors

This is one of the biggest limitations when choosing wood, as the average price is usually higher than other options available on the market. But, luckily there are different types to choose from, so you also have different price ranges. In any case, specialists see it as a real estate investment for the long term.

5. Sound

Wood does not have the best sound insulation values ​​and noise often travels in an undesirable way. There is a solution for this with an extra insulation layer, although that is ultimately a significant cost item.

If children play on the floor it can be noisy

Ecological benefits of hardwood floors

Although felling trees is a destructive action, regulations force companies to replenish a higher number relative to what they get from the forests. At the same time, the energy costs to process wood are much lower than those of other materials, such as concrete or plastic.

Also, wood floors reduce the carbon dioxide in the air, which reduces the greenhouse effect, through the carbon dioxide-zinc effect. Furthermore, pieces of floor that are thrown away for one reason or another can be recycled for a new purpose.

Choosing a hardwood floor is not something to be taken lightly

This is a perfect option for people who are willing to make a big investment, do regular maintenance and take any preventative measures so that it is not affected by moisture or sunlight.

Now that you know the pros and cons, the next step is to study the space you plan to install the floor in and assess its feasibility based on its intended use.

In short, don’t take the choice of your home’s floor lightly, as it should last a lifetime. The main recommendation is therefore that you be sure of what you want before you get started.

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