The Benefits Of Sleeping On The Left Side

Sleeping on your left side contributes to the health of many of your organs. It makes their job a lot easier. You promote your blood circulation and digestion, among other things.
The benefits of sleeping on the left side

Which side of your body do you normally sleep on? On the left or on the right? Or do you always sleep on your back? Experts indicate that sleeping on the left side is the best sleeping position. We will now explain to you why.

5 benefits of sleeping on the left side

The title of this article may have surprised you. Perhaps you’ve never considered that certain sleeping positions could be better or worse for your body. However, it turns out that this can indeed make a big difference.

Eastern medicine has been advising us for a long time to all sleep on the left side of our body. In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Dr. John Doulliard explains why this is so by means of some simple theorems. We give you a short summary, so that you too can put this advice into practice. We are sure that we can convince you.

1. To promote proper lymphatic drainage

dr. Doulliard explains to us that sleeping on the left side is the most natural sleeping position. The left side is the dominant side of the lymphatic system. The drainage takes place on this side; the lymphatic system transports important elements such as proteins, glucose and metabolites.

These elements must be filtered through the lymph nodes and drained into the left side of the lymphatic system. Sleeping on your left side facilitates this drainage, allowing better elimination of toxins.

2. Due to anatomical reasons

You may not remember this, but both the stomach and pancreas are mostly on the left side of your body. 

Sleeping on your left side is therefore beneficial for your digestion : it helps prevent gastric juices from flowing back into the esophagus and stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes. In this way, our food is digested little by little instead of all at once. This is something that often happens when you sleep on the right side of your body.

3. For Heart Health

Sleeping Woman

Surprised? Probably. Research in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology states that 80% of our hearts are on the left side of our body and that simply sleeping on your left side will help naturally maintain the health of this all-important muscle. . This is mainly because the lymphatic system drains better in this position.

Another aspect to note is that the aorta curves from the heart through the left side to reach the abdomen. So if we sleep on the left side, our heart can pump better and our blood flows better.

4. Do you ever take a nap?

If you are someone who regularly naps or someone who needs this after eating a lot, don’t forget to sleep on the left side. This is because it promotes digestion. You will wake up more alert and less tired after this and you will not suffer from abdominal pain. Give it a try and you’ll see how good you feel after taking a nap on the left side of your body.

5. For Spleen Health

To sleep

As you may know, the spleen is also located on the left side of your body. This organ is a basic part of the lymphatic system and is necessary for filtering blood and the optimal functioning of the lymphatic system.

By sleeping on the left side of our body, we help to make it easier for fluid to pass to the spleen – in this way we support the natural flow of this fluid.

So now you know: with regard to your health, it is always recommended to sleep on the left side. Are you going to try it tonight?

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