Reuse Tea Bags In 11 Clever Ways

Like coffee grounds, used tea bags can be used to repel ants, spiders and even rats.
Reuse tea bags in 11 smart ways

Most people throw away their tea bag after using it. What many people don’t know, however, is that you can reuse tea bags. In addition to making tea, they are useful for many more things, as they still contain some properties after use that can be useful for the home.

Do you want to learn how to reuse tea bags? Then read on.

Reuse tea bags for cleaning

Cleaning carpets

For clean, dirt-free carpets,  let some tea bags dry slightly and sprinkle their contents over the carpet. Let the tea dry and then vacuum.

Cleaning glasses

To clean glass surfaces such as windows, mirrors or glass cups, you can place some used tea bags in warm water and then pour this water into a spray bottle. Spray the surfaces with the liquid and then dry with a clean cloth.

Polishing wood

You may not believe it, but the contents of used tea bags are excellent for polishing furniture and floors.

  • Simply spread the tea in the used bags over the surface you wish to polish.
  • Then polish it with a dry cloth.


Tea has the ability to remove the greasiness from dirty dishes and is also a great way to get rid of bad odors. So stop using chemical products and use tea bags to wash the dishes from now on.

  • Fill the sink with hot water and place some used tea bags in it.
  • Then soak the dirty dishes in this water to remove any oiliness.
  • This trick is also great for cleaning drains.

Reuse tea bags against bad odors

Tea bags and loose tea

Neutralize bad odors

There are many different places in the house where bad odors can concentrate. Here are some tips:

  • Mix the contents of used tea bags with cat litter.
  • Place a few tea bags in the refrigerator to dispel bad odors.
  • Prevent a bad smell in the trash by putting a few used tea bags in it.
  • Let some used tea bags dry and then place them in shoes to prevent and neutralize bad odors.

Homemade air freshener

Tea bags are also good for refreshing indoor spaces such as closets, rooms and even the kitchen. Simply place a few bags in an inconspicuous place.

Remove bad odors from the hands

Your hands may smell unpleasant after cutting onions and garlic or after cooking fish, but these odors can be easily removed with tea bags.

  • Simply rub the contents of a few used tea bags over your hands.
  • Then rinse them with water.

Reuse tea bags in the garden

Tea bag in water

Prevent mold

To prevent mold from forming on your plants, soak some used tea bags in warm water until the water is as dark as tea. Then use this water to spray or water your plants.

fertilize the soil

Tea bags are ideal for naturally fertilizing soil. Sprinkle the contents of a few used bags over the soil where your plants are.

Homemade compost

You can use tea bags for homemade compost. Just be sure to remove the metal staple that the pouches sometimes contain.

Repel insects and pests

Tea bags can help repel insects and pests that often inhabit your garden. They can also be used in other areas of the house to repel ants, spiders and pests.

Are you looking for an even more effective solution? Combine the used tea from the bags with essential mint oil.

Do you know what you can use tea bags for?

Never throw them away and take advantage of their usefulness in and around the house. You can store them in the fridge for later use. However, if you notice that the sachets are starting to smell bad, throw them away instead.

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