Remove Bad Odors In Small Spaces With These Two Ingredients

You can quickly get rid of moisture and bad odors in your home with these two common and natural ingredients. You will be amazed at how effective they are!
Remove bad odors in small spaces with these two ingredients

Entering your home and being immediately greeted by a nasty smell can really put your mood down.  Not only is it unpleasant, but it can also be bad for your health. However, there are two natural ingredients that can help get rid of bad odors in small spaces.

It is often very simple.  Bad odors in small spaces or rooms are often caused by moisture. They can also be caused by an object in your house.

This is of course a very good environment for bacteria and mites. Sometimes these microorganisms are the enemies of people with allergies or asthma.

It’s easy to see how it can affect health. But another important reason to fight bad odors in small spaces is that  it’s just annoying.

For your own comfort and that of your guests, we want to show you two magical ingredients here. By using them, you can quickly get rid of the bad odors with very little effort.

Bad odors in the fridge

Remove bad odors in small spaces with these two ingredients

Bad  odors often arise when you have been away for a while. It can also happen if you don’t ventilate your home properly during the day, or if you don’t get enough sunlight.

Moisture can build up and get everywhere. It can penetrate your walls, but also your clothes, shoes and curtains.

That is why, in order to get rid of those unpleasant odors in small rooms, you must  first ventilate the rooms well and keep them clean. Air fresheners and cleansers should become your best friends.

Once you’ve done that, you can use two natural ingredients so that the nae odors don’t come back.

Natural charcoal

Natural charcoal

Natural charcoal is perfect for removing bad odors. Not only is it natural, it also does not cause pollution. Moreover, by using this product, you do not need any chemical products.

You can of course buy charcoal in any supermarket. You can  easily use it in rooms, refrigerators, closets and any other space, wherever you have bad odors.

Natural charcoal comes from an oak tree named  Quercus phillyraeoides . This oak is carbonized and mixed with sand, earth and ash, giving it a whitish color.

You must be wondering what we can do with it once the odors disappear. You can easily renew charcoal by leaving it in the sun for a while. That way it dries up again and the moisture and absorbed substances disappear, and you can use it again.

Fascinating, isn’t it?



Camphor is a white substance similar to salt. It comes from Cinnamomum camphora , also known as the camphor tree.

Camphor is a substance with many uses, such as  removing bad odors  and preventing certain ailments. In addition, it is also analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

How can you use camphor to get rid of bad odors in small spaces?

  • First, you can use all of its shapes. This includes oil, liquid, solid and even as powder or balls.
  • One option is to mix it with water and floor cleaner. Camphor smells wonderful and the scent has a relaxing effect, which is wonderful after cleaning.
  • In addition, you can use it as a spray, by mixing the camphor oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Finally  , you can use camphor balls in your closet. Simply put them in the cupboard and you will no longer be bothered by unpleasant odors caused by moisture.

Remember, everything in moderation. Inhaling large amounts can be bad for your health. So it is important to use only a few drops.

Now removing unpleasant odors in small spaces is no longer a problem. Within a few minutes your house will smell wonderful and you will love coming home again.

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