Relieving Symptoms Of A Sprained Ankle

Spraining your ankle is quite common. What additional treatments can we use to help it heal faster?
Relieving Symptoms of a Sprained Ankle

To relieve the symptoms of a sprained ankle, you need to follow a series of steps that we all know. A doctor will advise the use of crutches and/or the application of a support or compression bandage around the foot if necessary. However, there are times when additional natural remedies can ease the pain and speed up the recovery process.

A sprained ankle is common in both athletes and the general population. It arises because the ligaments are forced, causing one or more tears.

If not detected early and treated appropriately, the sprain can cause permanent problems in some cases. That is why it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Ways to Relieve the Symptoms of a Sprained Ankle

The additional measures to treat a sprained ankle will allow us to relieve the pain and discomfort and speed up recovery. However, we should always follow the doctor’s instructions. The options listed in this article are in no way a substitute for a doctor’s recommendations.

Apply ice to the affected area

A cold pack on an ankle

This first option for relieving the symptoms of a sprained ankle is known as cooling. Applying ice or a cold pack reduces inflammation and pain in the affected area. It is usually used therapeutically and in some cases combined with other options such as:

  • exchange pools
  • massages with cold packs or cold stones
  • cold pillows with running water

Ice is an excellent natural option for alleviating the symptoms of a sprained ankle. When applied to the area, the blood vessels contract and the cooling stimulates the release of a very important hormone, serotonin. In this way the pain will decrease and we will feel much better.

We should never apply the ice directly to the ankle as this can burn the skin causing additional pain. Therefore, it is better to use special cold packs. However, there are other alternatives, such as holding your ankle under a very cold jet of water.

Compress with arnica

Arnica is a plant used in naturopathy to relieve bruises, bruises, muscle aches and sprains. We can find arnica in a gel form to be applied with a gentle massage. There are also other options available such as arnica massage oil and arnica herbs.

By using this plant to relieve the symptoms of a sprained ankle, we can feel the pain relieving effect. At the same time, the inflammation is reduced by the massage we give to the area with the oil or gel.

Arnica herbs can be used in a poultice. The heat provides a soothing effect, but be careful not to burn yourself. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  • Boil some arnica leaves. Then crush them into a paste with a mortar. This should not be too watery.
  • Then make an arnica tea and soak a compress in it. Then apply the compress to the sprained ankle.

Compress with symphytum officinale

A pestle and mortar

Applying some plants to sprains improves recovery and reduces associated pain. The symphytum officinale plant, also known as common comfrey, is part of traditional medicine to relieve the symptoms of sprains and dislocations.

We can make a compress with it. Again, apply a warm water compress to the sprained ankle dipped in a tea of ​​this remedy to relieve the symptoms of a sprained ankle.

However, it is important, both for this remedy and for the arnica compress, that you wait three days first and only use cold packs. The reason for this is that if you apply warm compresses, the blood vessels widen and more inflammation can develop.

Other advice for a sprained ankle

Another aspect to consider is that we need to compress the ankle with a compression bandage and raise the foot. These measures also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.

If we regularly apply cold packs to the sprained ankle and after three days use the natural remedies mentioned in this article, the treatment will help relieve the symptoms.

A sprained ankle forces us to rest so that it can heal properly and prevent future problems as much as possible.

We recommend that you try these options if the doctor has determined that you have a sprained ankle and need to relieve it. This way you don’t have to raise your leg for so long and you can control the pain and inflammation.

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