Relaxation Exercises For Better Sleep

Get into bed, turn off the TV and your phone, and try to keep your worries out of the bedroom.
Relaxation exercises for better sleep

One of the most common problems people face today is lack of sleep. There are many reasons for this and just as many negative consequences. Getting your daily rest is important, among other things, to allow your body to recover, renew tissue and reduce stress.

If you consider that people are always on the move and busy or worried about something these days, this article may come in handy. Let’s go through some exercises that will improve your sleep.

Bedtime is sacred

Did you know? If not, let’s take a closer look. Your brain is a very powerful thing. But beware – this can be both good and bad.

When it comes to sleep, simply laying your head on a pillow and waiting for sleep to come isn’t enough. Some people fall asleep faster than others. Being able to relax in such a way that falling asleep is a wonderful and welcome feeling is a gift.


There are many natural remedies to improve your sleep. Without having to fall back on pills or other narcotics. One of these is turning off your phone and television when you are in bed. These habits are bad for your health and, just like with drugs, you can become addicted to them.

TV and movies

If you do want to watch something before going to bed, try to avoid programs and movies that feature violence, death, bad news, sadness, or fear. This stimulates your nervous system, causing it to become unbalanced when you try to fall asleep, making this more difficult.

Mobile phones

Today we don’t go anywhere without our cell phone, we even take it to bed. Texting or checking social media before going to bed can make it harder to fall asleep.

That is why you should actually try not to take this device with you to bed. Nevertheless, it is even better to turn off the internet during the night.

Sleep well


The next paragraph also deals with the use of your bedroom. We’re not saying it’s bad to enjoy breakfast in bed on the weekend.

However, you should not use your bed to study, for example. If you want to sleep better, don’t associate your bed with that report you should have already finished. You will definitely sleep better if you keep that in mind.


Now we’re going to talk about food, which affects how you rest and sleep even more.  If you’ve eaten a lot – a meal with a lot of fried food, fat and sugar – or if you drink a lot of alcohol or coffee, it can take you hours to fall asleep.

  • In addition to just eating a little earlier (at least two hours before going to bed), try not to overeat.
  • Also, don’t eat the same thing every night and drink herbal teas instead of drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Choose raw foods instead of processed foods or eat the latter sparingly during the evening meal.

Relaxation exercises for better sleep

Using the nighttime hours to sleep isn’t a trend – it’s a necessity. Sleep helps you recharge your brain with positive thoughts.

This way the body gets complete rest, in a restorative way. If you sleep well, you will leave stress, fatigue, pain, worry and fear behind.



How can you do this? Trying a safe meditation technique, in combination with the benefits we described earlier, will definitely help you sleep better. Once you’ve mastered it, you won’t want to be without it and you’ll want to use it every day.

Patience is a virtue

Be aware that your brain will not respond well to the technique at first and that it can be difficult to concentrate and relax. However, don’t try to force yourself to accept it, don’t get frustrated and don’t give up.

If you use other means to fall asleep (such as watching TV or narcotics), it will be even more difficult for your body to adjust to the natural method. Don’t give up, eventually you will succeed.

Learning a few meditation techniques will not only help you sleep better at night, it will also positively impact everything else you do.

Eat a light meal

We’ve already talked about how important it is not to overeat before going to bed. When your body is busy digesting the food, it has a hard time focusing on other tasks.

If you fall asleep while digesting that food, you will wake up in the middle of the night or feel heavy in the morning. Do what many people already do and have a piece of fruit or a biscuit before going to bed.

Give yourself a massage

  • Press your fingertips (be careful not to use your nails) against your scalp and gently move them from your forehead to your neck.
  • It should last ten to fifteen minutes, and you will feel much more relaxed.

There are also devices on the market that you can use or ask your partner to massage the areas that you cannot reach yourself.

Relax Sleep

Listen to soft music

If you live in the city, you are of course used to the sounds, but that does not mean that it is good for your health. Put on some quiet music, preferably instrumental, such as the kind used in meditation classes or yoga in an appropriate style:

  • Hindustani
  • buddhist
  • ancient Chinese

You can also choose classical music. Some people prefer to listen to certain natural sounds such as:

  • the chirping of birds
  • murmur of a waterfall
  • the sound of raindrops on the roof

Try one of these options to see if it works for you.

Do breathing exercises

The art of breathing is too amazing not to take seriously.

  • Before going to sleep, sit up on the edge of your bed with your shoulders slightly back.
  • Breathe in deeply through your nose, slowly, three times in a row.
  • You can close your eyes to relax even more.
  • With each exhalation,  imagine that you are releasing your tension, stress, and worry.
  • As you inhale, imagine a soft light entering your body, healing and warming you.

Move your hands and feet

While sitting on the edge of your bed, move your feet up and down, out to the side, and circle your ankles. Do the same with your hands and wrists and see how much better you feel. You go to bed relaxed and you will sleep soundly.

Good night

Sleep well!

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