Nothing Will Ever Be Good Enough

Sometimes nothing you do will be good enough for others, no matter what you do. But you know what? The only expectations you have to meet are your own.
Nothing will ever be good enough

For some people, nothing you do will be good enough and they will always make you feel like a failure even though you’re not. However, these are harmful situations, especially if the person who expects something from you is your partner or a family member.

These types of personalities have a specific purpose: to exert control over us and then make us live by their rules.

Believe it or not, these types of relationships are everywhere. Sometimes no matter what we say or do, nothing will be good enough for that family member, friend or colleague. After all, according to them, we are never right and we are never good enough.

Free yourself

Rather than basing our lives on how others might react,  we need to free ourselves from these kinds of relationships that cause misery.  Below we will explain how we can do this.

Nothing is good enough: three steps to freedom

Emotional openness, active listening and reciprocity are not common these days. People are very complicated and  not everyone has the same idea of ​​what “respect” means.

Below we will discuss all the facets you need to consider:

  • Fears:  These are limited attitudes that sometimes make us want to control others for fear of losing them. It is common for fear to make us humiliate others so that we remain in control. Reassuring ourselves and hiding our fears makes us realize how low our self-esteem really is.
  • The way we were raised:  This is a key aspect. Growing up without healthy bonds to provide security or learn the meaning of the word respect leads to personal and affective skills.
  • Personal interests:  Our own selfishness and desires. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how we were raised, some people want to take control of their entire environment and establish dominance.
Girl on Flower

A protective harness

This shows something simple. People are good at donning their protective armor. Nobody knows what’s under the thick protection. The harder the armor, the more intricate the creature inside.

We will explain how to protect yourself against these types of people.

Your priorities are not my priorities

We’re sure you’ve experienced something similar to the situation below at some point. Sooner or later you  realize that what you value may not be the same as what others value.  For example, if you choose to go vegetarian, your family may ridicule this decision.

If you bring a new partner, your family may say you deserve something better. Instead of feeling humiliated, understand a few things:

  • Everyone has different opinions, but  some people choose to force their ideas on others instead of respecting and leaving others alone,  believing that they are superior to others.

Think of this

This is not good. Whenever you find yourself in such a situation, remember this:

  • Our lives do not revolve around others: we are free and have the right to live our lives with dignity.
  • Therefore, no one has the right to tell us what to do to be happy.

What makes me happy is good for me

If what you do or say makes you happy, that’s what matters. Your choices define who you are and every step you take marks a path that is only yours and no one else’s.

  • Remember, if others criticize you or don’t accept your choices, that’s their problem. Not yours. We must be aware of our own wishes.
  • If we live our lives to please others and try to live up to their expectations, our own lives would no longer have meaning. Creating our own happiness takes courage, self-awareness and fighting for what you deserve.

Life is too short to live according to the expectations of others

We all make mistakes and those who really care about us will help us do better. Someone who always improves you and puts you down doesn’t help you – they cause the damage instead.

  • If you know someone who is like that, you have to understand that they will never change. It’s especially hard when someone can’t empathize or show respect.
  • Nothing works better than remembering that  life is too short to be unhappy.  Make sure you are your own priority. If nothing is good enough for this person, accept it and let it go.

You know that the things you do are good because you do them according to your own personality and values. Don’t let anyone upset this balance or damage your confidence.

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