Never Ignore The Urge To Go To The Bathroom

Did you know that ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom can be harmful? In this article you can read why.
Never ignore the urge to go to the bathroom

Your body is designed to eliminate everything it doesn’t need.  This is also the reason that you feel the urge to go to the toilet several times a day. However, when it comes to digestion, there are two processes that we don’t always want to talk about:

  • body gases
  • stool

Some people ignore the urge to go to the bathroom when they are not at home. Usually they do this out of embarrassment or because they don’t have a toilet at their disposal.

There are indeed times when it is impossible to find a toilet. In these cases, there is nothing you can do but ignore this urge. This only becomes a problem if you make it a daily habit. 

Usually it is not convenient for us to go to the toilet. This is why people often ignore this urge. However, they do not know that this can be harmful.

Suppressing or ignoring the urge to defecate can have serious health consequences. Here are some reasons why you should never ignore the urge to go to the bathroom.

Never ignore the urge to go to the bathroom


Your digestive system ensures that your body absorbs all the nutrients. During this process, some waste remains which must be disposed of. Your body does this through your stool.

When your body is telling you to go to the toilet, it’s good to listen to it. Your body has to get rid of the waste that has stuck in your body. 

It is important to get rid of these waste products. These substances cause a heavy feeling and they affect your intestinal function. When your intestines notice that there is a blockage, they start to absorb nutrients in a different way. This makes you digest the food worse. This causes:

  • indigestion
  • gas formation
  • bloated belly
  • stomach ache
  • vomit

It’s best to ignore the urge to go to the bathroom only if you really have no other choice. In all other cases it is important to look for a toilet.

If you have eaten something that is very heavy on the stomach and you feel the need to relieve yourself, it is important not to ignore this urge. This signal always means that your body has to get rid of waste products in order to better digest just eaten nutrients.

Five consequences

Ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom too often can cause your bowels to change. For example, it can ensure that you no longer absorb nutrients correctly. Perhaps all this feels quite harmless, but unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth.

In addition, ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom can have serious consequences for your gut and digestive process. If you do this too often, it could negatively affect your entire body. 

Remember that going to the toilet is the only way to rid your body of various toxins. So if you don’t do this, these toxins will remain in your body. This can be very bad for your overall health. 

1. Pain


If you ignore the urge to go to the bathroom for a long time, your stool will accumulate. This accumulation then thickens and causes a blockage. If you then try to defecate, this becomes a lot more difficult. In this case, the stool is too hard. So it can be very painful to get rid of it. 

2. Your body absorbs the moisture

Since your body needs to get rid of this waste and can’t, it tries to collect nutrients anyway. If you haven’t eaten and drunk enough, your body will absorb the water in your stool to nourish itself. This means that it feeds on water that is full of:

  • bacteria
  • waste
  • toxins

3. Bad Smells


The same thing happens with gas in your gut. By holding it in, you create a sort of stink bomb. This causes stools and flatulence that smell much worse than usual. By suppressing the urge, you also increase the development of gases in your stomach. These gases can make you feel heavy and bloated.

4. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are bulges that can form in the veins around your anus. These veins can become inflamed due to anal blockages. For example, the inflammation causes:

  • pain
  • discomfort
  • blood loss

In severe cases, hemorrhoids can even cause very heavy bleeding that can be very unpleasant. So don’t try to ignore the urge to go to the bathroom.

If you do, you can cause your entire anal cavity to dry out. This can make your stools harder. This then makes it more difficult to get rid of the stool. You then have to exert more force when defecating, which can lead to hemorrhoids.

5. Constipation


If you regularly ignore the urge to go to the bathroom, you may lose control of your bowel movements. In addition, it can cause your stools to become very hard, making it more difficult to get rid of them.

So it is very important not to ignore the urge to go to the bathroom. If your body is giving you the signal to go to the bathroom, don’t hesitate. Also, don’t be ashamed. This is something that everyone has to deal with from time to time. So in all cases, think about your health and take care of yourself!

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