Natural Callus Cream For Your Feet

Since aloe vera gel is the perfect moisturizer, it can help soften your skin and aid in the removal of dead skin cells so that hard calluses disappear.
Natural callus cream for your feet

Your feet are a fundamental part of your body that, like other body parts, deserve special attention to stay healthy, such as with a natural callus cream.

The feet are often overlooked. However, the truth is that they are constantly exposed to bacteria and other factors that can directly affect the quality of your skin.

Therefore, many people suffer from bunions, which are often not only unattractive, but also quite painful.

You may think this is a certain skin condition, but those bunions are actually a natural way your skin defends itself against the constant pressure and friction your feet face when walking or wearing shoes that don’t fit properly.

Whatever the cause of calluses under your feet,  it is important to treat your feet carefully. If you don’t do this, you run the risk of cracks in your heels or that you will suffer from fungus or possibly even infections.

Fortunately, there are also a few natural remedies that can help  you get rid of calluses under your feet and restore the beauty and health of your feet. Find out which remedies these are today!

Natural callus cream for your feet

1. Natural almond oil cream

Natural almond oil callus cream

Almond oil is one of the most popular moisturizers in the world  and is used in a variety of cosmetic products due to its nourishing properties.

When it comes to the feet, almond oil is great. It can help soften the callus and make it easier to remove.

For the best results, you can also combine the almond oil with other natural ingredients. This will only enhance the effect of the oil.


  • 5 tablespoons of lanolin (50 g)
  • 3 tablespoons almond oil (42 g)
  • 3 tablespoons glycerin (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil (5 g)

How do you make this cream?

  • First melt the lanolin au bain-marie or in the microwave.
  • Then stir in the almond oil, glycerine and lavender essential oil.
  • When this mixture reaches a high temperature, it is important that you stir well, so that you eventually get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Then transfer the mixture to a small glass bowl and let it cool until it has a creamy consistency.


Soak your feet in warm water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Then dry your feet well and apply a generous amount of your homemade natural callus cream.

2. Cream of garlic and oil

Natural callus cream of garlic and oil

One of the best ingredients to keep your feet healthy is garlic. This bulbous plant is very popular in various cuisines around the world and has a powerful antibiotic and antibacterial effect that can help eliminate bacteria and fungi that cause infections.

When you mix garlic with olive oil and a little lemon juice, you get a simple, natural callus cream that can help soften underfoot calluses and even warts.


  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (32 g)
  • 5 drops lemon juice

How do you make this cream?

  • First, peel and finely chop the garlic or mash it to make a paste.
  • Then mix the garlic with the olive oil and lemon juice until the ingredients are well mixed.


Thoroughly clean the affected part of your feet. Then apply the cream and cover it with a bandage so it can do its job overnight.

3. Cream of aloe vera and vitamin E

Natural callus cream of aloe vera and vitamin E

The aloe vera plant contains a gel that is rich in vitamins, minerals and many other beneficial nutrients that have been helpful in alleviating various health problems for many years – the gel is also a popular ingredient in several beauty treatments.

Using aloe vera gel is a very effective natural way to remove calluses as it is a powerful moisturizer that softens the skin and thus helps to remove dead skin cells.

When you also add some vitamin E, you get a great homemade natural callus cream that you can get great results with.


  • ½ cup aloe vera gel (100 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule

How do you make this cream?

Scrape the gel from the aloe vera plant and then mix it with the contents of a vitamin E capsule or a little castor oil.


  • Soak your feet in warm water, dry them well and then apply  the callus cream with a gentle massage.
  • Leave the cream on while sleeping.

These simple creams are quite cheap to make and are great for keeping your feet healthy. However, we must indicate that you will not see results immediately. Using the creams consistently will provide the best results over time.

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