Introducing A Great Cabbage Soup Based Diet

Want to know all the details about the cabbage soup diet? Then keep reading. Learn how to lose weight in just one week.
Introducing a Great Cabbage Soup Diet

Around the world, weight loss is one of the most widespread goals people pursue. If you want to lose a few pounds, pay close attention while reading the following article. We will provide you the details for a great cabbage soup based diet.

This cabbage soup diet will help you lose weight in just one week.

However, the characteristics of that diet mean that you have to be very careful when you try it. The reason is that it is very strict by nature. This means that you will also have a number of restrictions regarding the food you eat every day.

In addition, it is fundamental that you strictly follow the guidelines. Once the week of dieting is over, you need to stop. We now explain what you need to know about the cabbage soup diet.

The Cabbage Soup Diet

Before you try this diet, it is important that you know a little more about it.

A diet based on cabbage soup

The first thing to know is that it only lasts one week.

However, you should also follow a strict plan that involves using the cabbage soup every day.

So it’s not just about eating cabbage soup during those seven days. You may also eat other foods provided they meet the specification that we will explain further in this article.

Another feature of this diet is that it can make you lose up to 4 kg. However, this will depend on your metabolism and your level of physical activity.

When we say it’s a very restrictive diet, we mean it’s low in calories (800 per day). That is also the reason that you should not keep it for a long time. It would then cause a harmful disturbance of the balance in your body.

Ingredients of the cabbage soup

  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 peppers
  • 6 large onions
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 celery stalk
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste


  • You have to cut all the vegetables first. Then put them in a pan of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Then add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Now let everything cook on a high heat for 10 minutes.
  • Once this time has elapsed, lower the fire. Then let it cook for about half an hour.

The daily diet

As we have already mentioned, you must follow a specific diet during the week of this diet. You eat these foods together with the cabbage soup.

We will now tell you what to eat every day.

Day 1

You can eat as much cabbage soup as you want. In addition, you can eat any fruit you want except bananas and avocados.

Day 1 of the cabbage soup diet

Also make sure to drink plenty of fluids. However, drink only water and tea. It is forbidden to drink soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Whenever you are hungry, you can eat the permitted foods.

Day 2

Day 2 of the cabbage soup diet

In addition to the cabbage soup, you can also eat raw and cooked vegetables as much as you want. On this day you can also eat one potato if you feel like it.

Day 3

Whenever you want, you can eat vegetables, fruits and cabbage soup. However, do not eat bananas, avocado or potatoes.

Day 4


Drink skim milk at breakfast and with a snack. Eat four bananas during the day. If you prefer, you can also replace the bananas with another type of fruit. Eat the soup when you are hungry.

Day 5

Whenever you are hungry, eat the cabbage soup. At lunch and dinner you eat a portion of meat. That can be beef, chicken or fish. Also add 6 tomatoes to your diet. You can cut them in half and season with garlic, oregano and olive oil.

Day 5 of the cabbage soup diet

Day 6

The basis of the diet on day six is ​​two meals of chicken, beef, fish or pork. Eat the vegetables of your choice. Of course you can also satisfy your hunger with the cabbage soup.

Day 7

Day 7 of the cabbage soup diet

Eat brown rice with raw or cooked vegetables at every meal. In addition, you can eat a lot of fruit and of course the cabbage soup whenever you are hungry.

Some more recommendations

We now give you a few more details to remember. They are important when you follow the cabbage soup diet.

  • During this diet, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Do not drink alcohol or soft drinks during this process. On the other hand, you should drink water, tea and decoctions.
  • As long as the diet lasts, forget the pastas with sauce.
  • Only eat potatoes on the designated day.
  • When buying vegetables, choose lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, alfalfa, spinach, cucumber, broccoli, and celery.
  • You should also take the following into account when choosing fruit. The most suitable fruits are pineapple, peaches, oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon, pears and apples.
  • Finally, remember to stop this diet once the week is over. 

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