How To Simplify Your Home With Minimalism

Minimalism is by no means boring. It offers simplicity, elegance, functionality and order. These tips can help you organize your home in a minimalistic way.
How to simplify your home with minimalism

We often store many objects in random places because we don’t know where to put them. This makes it more difficult to keep order in the house. It can make rooms and spaces chaotic and disorganized. However, minimalism is perfect for bringing order to your home.

The identifying feature of minimalism in your home is decorating with the smallest number of elements possible. As a result, all decoration serves a purpose and creates a harmonious space that is organized.

A minimalist style therefore emphasizes the space and architectural elements. It focuses on the basics and removes unnecessary decorations and furniture.

8 ways to simplify your home with minimalism

1. Sort what you have

The goal is to keep only what is needed. It is therefore recommended to take your time and look at each object one by one and sort them. You should consider whether:

  • an object is really junk.
  • it can be given away to someone.
  • you cherish it and must keep it.

You should therefore always ask yourself why you want to keep an object. With the minimalist style , everything has a function. Minimalism in your home does not support sentimentalism or luxury. Less is more.

2. When something enters the house, something else leaves

Living room decorated with minimalism

The only way a style can stay minimalist is if you don’t collect unnecessary objects again. To avoid this, there is a simple rule to follow: every time you buy something new, you should delete something old.

Therefore, when you buy something new or when you get something new, you must first decide whether it fits into your home and minimalist style. If not, then it is better not to buy or keep it.

3. Don’t leave anything on the tables

Another way to simplify your home and create order is to keep all surfaces clean and uncluttered. Many people use showpieces, candles or flowers to decorate tables. However, with the minimalist style, you have to keep all the tables empty to create the maximum sense of simplicity, functionality and order.

4. Use Simple Geometric Shapes

When choosing furniture and other decorative objects, it is better to opt for simple shapes and straight lines. Avoid complex furniture with many corners or furniture that is too decorative and ornate.

5. Keep the walls minimalist too

Minimalist walls gives peace

Minimalism doesn’t just affect furniture. It also extends to the walls. You should therefore avoid overloading the walls with photos or illustrations, especially directly above furniture.

  • Of course, you can still decorate the walls. However, try to keep the wall decorations simple and in balance with the rest of the style.
  • You should also consider using mirrors to decorate the walls. Not only are they elegant and simple, but they also help to make the room look bigger.

6. Take advantage of lighting for minimalism

Lighting is one of the most important elements in the home. Minimalism tries to avoid shadows and dark spaces and instead create more light.

Therefore, do not use heavy and dark curtains, especially if they are blackout. It is better to use blinds, as they distribute the light without blocking it completely.

In addition, it is important to study the characteristics of a room before choosing lighting. The goal is to avoid unnecessary artificial lighting in a room. If you observe a room closely, you can see exactly where a lamp is needed and you should avoid installing too many lamps.

7. Choose minimalist furniture

While minimalism often refers to sleek or austere furniture, it doesn’t mean the furniture has to be dull or dull. The furniture should rather be simple and exude elegance in its simplicity.

Since the functionality of minimalism also applies to furniture, it is also best to choose furniture that can have different functions. This helps to prevent clutter in the house.

You also have to take into account the space that furniture takes up. It is best to choose lower and wider furniture rather than tall furniture that takes up more space.

8. In a home with minimalism, opt for black and white with a splash of color

White living room with brightly colored pillows

Usually a minimalist style has a lot of black and white. This is because white can make a room appear larger, while black contrasts the white perfectly to create a simple and elegant space.

However, a room still needs some color. It can’t all be black and white. In bold spaces that have only one color, choose bold colors to bring balance.

To add color to these spaces, it is best to use objects rather than furniture. For example, the walls and furniture can be mainly black and white, and you can add a plant with large green leaves or brightly colored pillows to give the room more personality.

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