How To Help Your Baby Sleep Better

Life with a baby can be quite an ordeal at times, especially if you have a hard time getting him to sleep. In this article you can read what you can do to help your baby sleep better.
How to help your baby sleep better

When babies are just born, they don’t develop a regular sleeping pattern until they are about six months old. Until then , they usually sleep every three hours and wake up crying. Of course you want to know what you can do to help your baby sleep better.

Newborns can not distinguish between day and night. This is one possible explanation for the fact that they sleep so short. Don’t worry though. After the first few weeks, they can learn the difference. This way you can create a good sleeping pattern for them.

It can be very difficult to adjust to your new reality. Your baby wakes up and you need to get out of bed and do what you can to get him back to sleep. What if you can’t get him to sleep though? Although it may seem complicated, over time you can let your baby enjoy his sleep.

But don’t let all this take away from the joy of parenthood! Your baby will only be a baby for a limited time. In this article, we provide some recommendations to help your baby sleep better and more peacefully.

How to help your baby sleep better

1. Learn to use the lights in their bedroom

Illuminated baby room

Lighting is like a switch that wakes us up, while darkness is food for sleep. Therefore, you should keep babies in the light during the day and in the dark at night so that they get used to it.

  • During the day: let the sunlight into your home. Open the curtains and some windows.
  • At night: reduce the intensity of the lights before going to sleep.
  • You can still use small night lights, as long as they are not too bright.

2. Put them in their cribs before they fall asleep completely

This can be quite difficult at first, especially if you’re breastfeeding, which is when many babies fall asleep. It is best to feed and pet them until they start to fall asleep. However, don’t let them fall completely asleep in your arms. They may wake up if you put them in their cribs.

3. Don’t go directly to them when you hear whining

Baby sleeping in basket

You don’t have to run up to them every time you hear them sob a little. If you do, they’ll just get used to waking up more often, knowing you’re always coming to them.

Instead, wait a few minutes to see if they are able to calm themselves down a bit and maybe go back to sleep. If this doesn’t happen, get to them before they start crying even more.

4. Be patient

Once your baby gets used to sleeping for several hours each time, they may wake up crying again during the night. If this happens, don’t panic. This is perfectly normal if they have had a long afternoon sleep or if they have a fever.

Some tricks to help your baby sleep better

Some tricks to help your baby sleep better
  • Keep them quiet in a quiet room.
  • Try not to stimulate them too much when they fall asleep.
  • Play with them a lot during the day. If you have a pet, include them. That way it’s fun for both of them. They will be so tired at the end of the day that they fall asleep much faster.
  • If they wake up in the middle of the night, don’t turn on the light right away or take them to a brighter room.
  • Be consistent with bedtime.
  • Always make sure they are comfortable going to bed.
  • Give them a bath before going to sleep.

To conclude

Be patient and give them time to adjust to sleeping more than three hours at a time. All parents dream that their baby sleeps much better and sleeps through the night without waking up. However, this has nothing to do with luck or genetics. The most important thing is to create good habits with your child.

If you set a time to go to bed and get them used to being awake during the day and sleeping at night, you’re on the right track. Try these recommendations to help your baby sleep better and enjoy this stage of your child’s life.

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