How To Calm Your Restless Mind And Find Inner Peace

It will be difficult at first, but it is possible. You can calm your restless mind. To find inner peace, you yourself have the power to make all noise disappear.
How to calm your restless mind and find inner peace

A restless mind allows no pauses and prevents rest. You jump from one concern to another, from fear to panic. Slowly you end up weaving a complicated web in your brain. It deprives you of the incredible privilege of inner peace.

However, some people may confuse this concept of a restless mind with curiosity and productivity.  It is true that sometimes inner energy is a reflection of the desire to learn, but most of the time restlessness is just mental noise. It is confusion, exhaustion and sadness.

It is often said, “there is no worse enemy than the enemy that one creates in one’s own mind.” But instead of seeing this as solely your responsibility, you should view inner stress as a subtle combination of several things.

Below we will suggest some ideas to think about to help you find a sense of calm  and inner peace. It’s easy to do. You only need one essential ingredient: willpower.

A restless mind and the turbulent ocean in your mind

One of the best known books on this theme is a book by Kay Jamison. In the book she describes the complex situations where mental noise becomes entangled with depression.

Kay Jamison works as a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In the book An Unquiet Mind , Kay Jamison describes her own experiences. 

“As a young girl, I was always prone to emotional instability. My adolescence was filled with sadness. When I started my professional life, I entered a vicious circle of fear, anxiety and a restless mind. I couldn’t escape it. It barely allowed me to live.”

Do you recognize yourself in these simple words? Then you should definitely keep the following 5 things in mind. They could be a great help to you.

A restless mind and the turbulent ocean in your mind

1. Get rid of unnecessary burden to find inner peace

Even if you don’t see it, you carry that burden with you. Once you start to see the weight in your mind, you will feel better.

  • You are surrounded by people who rob you of your energy instead of giving you energy.
  • You may be prioritizing things that aren’t right for you.
  • Understand that “less is always more”.

2. Stop for a minute and breathe; turn off the noise in your head

The past is over. You can’t change it. The future does not yet exist. So focus your attention on the here and now. In this particular moment you will find yourself.

  • Stop and breathe. Inhale deeply and hold your breath for five seconds. Then exhale loudly.
  • This simple exercise will free your mind. Hard to believe? During this breathing exercise, oxygen goes to your brain, which will help you feel free.
  • Once your body feels good, it’s time to connect with yourself.
  • Then humbly ask yourself these questions: “ What do I want? What am I looking for? What do I not want? Which direction do I want to go?”

It is a good idea to do this exercise daily as soon as you get up in the morning.

A troubled mind suffers because it is very permeable

3. Build your own protective walls

A troubled mind suffers because it is very permeable.  It allows external worries to enter your mind, along with the egos and interests of those around you.

When negative energy disrupts your inner peace, it becomes intertwined with your personal weaknesses. That’s a terrible situation.

You have to build your own walls in the following way:

  • Distance yourself from the things that throw you off balance and disturb the harmony. For example, you don’t want selfish people or people with false interests in your environment.
  • Put up walls against people who cause storms on calm days.
  • Also, build walls to protect you from people who don’t respect you. Forgive them, but let them go.

4. Silence is healing

You should also immerse yourself in absolute silence for an hour and a half or two at least once a day.

  • These moments of inner peace and calm will allow you to connect with what you need. It will also calm your restless mind.
  • Nervous minds jump from one concern to another. So they forget to take care of themselves. You no longer realize how valuable and important you are.
  • Relax in silence. Turn off your fears and inner voices. Surround yourself with feelings of contentment, inner peace and the balance between heart and mind.
Silence is healing for a restless mind

5. Develop Gratitude

This is without a doubt the most difficult task. Relax and consider the following thoughts:

  • If you have a bad feeling about some people who don’t love you, distance yourself from them. It may seem like a simple answer. Still, it takes a lot of courage.
  • Also, give your thoughts a little spin if you don’t feel comfortable. Choose to feel different. Eliminate the negative feelings and remember that you are valuable.
  • Be thankful for the little things in your life. It is very possible that you are overlooking it.
  • Feel grateful that you are physically well, that you have certain people you love around you and who love you too.
  • Learn to be thankful for each new day. Opportunities are emerging every day on the horizon. They can help you achieve your goals.

Be happy. feel calm. And maintain balance.

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