How Do You Know If You Have Gallstones?

Gallstones can appear as a result of poor eating habits, high cholesterol or other conditions and they are often asymptomatic.
How do you know if you have gallstones?

Gallstones sometimes appear without obvious symptoms and we just go about our normal lives without knowing that something is wrong. Poor nutrition can be the cause of this condition. So let’s take a look at how to recognize if you have gallstones and how to prevent it early.

Symptoms if you have gallstones

Symptoms if you have gallstones

Have you ever wondered what gallstones are? They are hard, small crystals that prevent your gallbladder from performing its basic functions.

They appear in your body due to changes in bile, infections, minor problems with the capacity of the gallbladder to drain, high cholesterol or poor eating habits.

Many individuals eventually need to have these stones surgically removed. This problem is fairly common. Therefore, we should try to avoid it whenever possible.

That’s why we’re going to show you some of the primary symptoms so you know if you have gallstones. But let’s be clear. Doctors say that about 40% of cases develop without symptoms.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the symptoms in case you fall below the other 60%.

1. Kind of Pain When You Have Gallstones

If you have gallstones, the pain appears suddenly and lasts only for a few seconds. You feel the pain in the upper right corner of the stomach or between the shoulder blades.

These are the first symptoms and signs that the stone is moving and starting to block your bile ducts or bile ducts.

2. Swollen Stomach

Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal for a stomach to swell without having anything to do with gallstones.

However, if this bothers you, consider the following questions: Do you feel bloated every day? Is it almost always right after eating?

The best thing you can do is write down your symptoms. If you have continuous bloating and are also experiencing some of the other symptoms described in this article, then you should consider that it could be due to gallstones.

3. Digestive Problems

When someone suffers from gallstones, they often have minor or even noticeable digestive problems.

Think for example of indigestion, intestinal gas, belching, inflamed intestines, stomach cramps. Also, feeling sick after eating and having a low tolerance for fatty foods are problems that arise. They make you feel full and upset your stomach. That is very characteristic of gallstones.

4. Physical Symptoms

These symptoms do not occur in all patients, but if they do, you should pay close attention. Your skin may turn a little yellow from the bile, and the white part of your eyes may also turn a little yellow.

5. Changes in stool and urine

You should remember that the gallbladder is responsible for producing bile, processing fats and aiding in digestion.

If you have problems in your gallbladder, such as stones that cause your gallbladder to become clogged, this will affect your entire digestive and excretory system.

In terms of stools, it is quite normal for individuals who suffer from this condition to have whiter, more gelatinous stools. Your urine may be slightly darker than normal. You should try to remember all these factors.

Tips to protect your gallbladder

Using olive oil if you have gallstones

If you already have gallstones, suddenly following a healthy diet will not make them disappear overnight. You should always let the doctor decide whether or not they should be surgically removed.

However, if you don’t have any symptoms yet, you should try to prevent this condition from affecting you by following the tips below. They work in about 60% of the cases.

  • Before going to bed and immediately when you wake up, consume a tablespoon of olive oil and three drops of lemon juice. This remedy is great for protecting and clearing your gallbladder.
  • Natural Beet and Apple Juice This super healthy juice is great to drink with dinner. You should use a green apple and a medium beetroot, cut them into pieces and mix them in a blender with a cup of water. Drink this three times a week and it will definitely help you and your gallbladder.
  • Brewer’s yeast: You can add this substance to your smoothies and juices, for example. It has great benefits as it is a good source of inositol, which is perfect for protecting your gallbladder and liver.

If you do start to notice symptoms, remember that you should see your doctor. He or she will do some tests and determine whether or not you have gallstones.

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