How Can You Use An Avocado Pit To Treat Cellulite?

By promoting circulation and stimulating the elimination of fluids, using avocado pit in the treatment is very effective for fighting cellulite and removing toxins.
How can you use an avocado pit to treat cellulite?

Cellulite is one of the aesthetic problems that usually affects women. While men are less affected by it, women are more likely to develop it. That’s because of the constant hormonal changes that women go through. Using avocado pit can be a solution.

The condition is characterized by the formation of small nodules of fat under the skin. 

Because of their hollowed-out appearance, they are commonly known as orange peel.

It is common in overweight people, but it can happen to anyone due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and lymphatic system problems.

It is not considered a serious disease. But many people try to combat it in different ways because they find it unappealing.

Fortunately, in addition to good diet and exercise, there are also external resources that can help reduce it.

In this article, we would like to recommend an avocado pit treatment. This helps with regular use to improve the appearance of the skin.

Are you ready to try it out?

Using Avocado Kernel To Fight Cellulite

Using Avocado Kernel To Fight Cellulite (2)

Using avocado kernel as a supplement to reduce cellulite is becoming more and more popular. While there are conventional treatments for the same purpose, this natural ingredient offers interesting results.

  • The main effects come from its ability to stimulate the elimination of fluids and improve circulation. These two factors are fundamental to reducing the formation of nodules of fat and toxins.
  • It also supports a process called lipolysis, which allows for the breakdown of fats for later removal from the body.
  • The application of massages promotes, among other things, the activity of the lymphatic system. That system controls a series of processes. This includes the processes to remove toxins and waste that the body no longer needs.

Using Olive Oil and Avocado Kernel Treatment to Fight Cellulite

Using Avocado Kernel And Olive Oil To Fight Cellulite


The basic preparation to fight cellulite only requires the addition of olive oil.

The oily texture helps when applied to the skin  and the nutrients also give us some benefits.


  • 1 avocado pit
  • ΒΌ cup olive oil (50 g)


  • Cut the avocado pit in half and grate it with the coarse part of your kitchen grater.
  • Place the grated avocado pit in a clean glass jar and cover with olive oil.
  • Mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula and cover the jar.
  • Leave it in a cool, dark place for 3 or 4 days.
  • Then move the jar to the refrigerator.

Method of application

  • Take a warm shower so that your pores open up and absorb the treatment more easily.
  • Then rub the paste on the areas affected by cellulite. Make gentle, circular massage movements for 10 minutes.
  • Leave the product on the skin for another 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this every night before going to bed.

Using Oat, Almond Oil and Avocado Kernel Treatment to Fight Cellulite

Using Avocado Kernel And Oats And Almond Oils To Fight Cellulite

Another interesting option. To treat cellulite with this ingredient you  can prepare an exfoliating cream with oats and almond oil.

This combination offers us a complete treatment against cellulite. This is thanks to the ingredients that nourish the skin and improve circulation.


  • 1 avocado pit
  • 2 tablespoons oats (20 g)
  • 5 tablespoons almond oil (75 g)


  • Grate the avocado pit so it can be used.
  • Put it in a glass jar and mix it with the tablespoons of oats and almond oil.
  • Mix everything well with a wooden spoon and put the lid on the jar once you have a paste.
  • Leave it for 2 or 3 days and then it will be ready to use.

Method of application

  • As in the previous treatment , it is advisable to take a warm shower first. That helps to open the pores before using the product.
  • Take the amount you deem necessary and apply it to the problem areas, after which you massage in the treatment for 8 to 10 minutes.
  • After you have finished the massage, leave the treatment on the skin for another 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and then dry the skin carefully.
  • Repeat this application at least 3 times a week, preferably before going to bed.

Are you fighting cellulite? Do you want to improve the appearance of your skin? Still haven’t tried this? Then take a few minutes to prepare these treatments that use avocado pit. Discover for yourself the benefits they offer!

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