Heal Your Gut With Medicinal Plants

It is important that you keep your intestines clean and free of toxins. We explain how you can heal your intestines with medicinal plants.
Heal your gut with medicinal plants

Your gut is an important part of your digestive system. They are responsible for both absorbing nutrients and removing toxins. It is therefore important that you take care of their health and that you keep them clean and free of toxins. We explain how to heal your gut with some great medicinal plants.

How do you know your gut needs to be healed

  • It is easy to recognize. This happens a lot to everyone:  gas, constipation, diarrhea and even the classic white tongue,  which causes a strange taste in the mouth if you have a problem with your gut.
  • Also pay close attention to your stress levels. As you know, your lifestyle affects the health of your gut. This is where the nerves pile up until they cause all kinds of health effects.
  • We should also note that it is best to detox your gut regularly. You have to keep them clean to lower the concentration of toxins in your body. For example, remember that the small intestine has to carry food to your blood.
    • So if there are a lot of toxins built up, they will naturally be transferred to the blood. That can be dangerous. The most obvious symptoms of this phenomenon are, for example, dry or wrinkled skin, skin problems, pain in the kidneys or liver, fatigue… Keep an eye on all of this.

Heal your gut with plants against stomach flu

Heal your gut with mint

Everyone has experienced this once. It happens when the intestinal mucus becomes inflamed, due to an infection or collection of toxins. Your body is suddenly attacked by pathogenic microorganisms that attack your digestive system. You will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

What do you need

The medicinal plants needed are  emollients, astringents and anti-inflammatories. We strongly recommend that you do not eat solid foods for the first few days, as the infusions act as an essential treatment.

1. Marshmallows

Marshmallow is an excellent emollient and anti-inflammatory. You can find it in health food stores. For an infusion, you only need a tablespoon of this medicinal plant per cup of water. You can drink two cups a day.

2. Mint and green anise

The mint and green anise mixture  is used to reduce stomach pain, maintain fluid levels, and heal intestinal inflammation bit by bit. Take a tablespoon of each plant and boil it in a cup of water. Let it stand for a few minutes, filter it and drink a small amount at a time. You can drink three cups a day.

3. Black tea with lemon

This is one of the most classic, gradual treatments for stomach flu. It moisturizes, fights diarrhea, reduces inflammation and relieves pain and bloating. First, make black tea. Then add a few drops of lemon, as long as you’re sure it won’t make you throw up.

Heal your gut with plants against colitis

How to heal your gut from colitis

Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine. You will usually experience abdominal pain or diarrhea. In the most severe cases, there may even be blood or pus involved. It can also be the result of an attack of pathogenic microbes or a side effect of a certain type of medication.

What do you need

For this you need medicinal plants that have a balancing or protective effect on your intestinal flora. Plants with  antidiarrhoeal, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties  will be very helpful in healing your gut and thus against colitis.

1. Eucalyptus Infusion

Eucalyptus is a great plant for treating colitis. It has the fantastic ability to absorb  the toxins from your gut. We therefore recommend that you drink two or three cups of this infusion per day. You can find eucalyptus in herbal stores, and you only need four or five leaves for the infusion. You will feel fantastic.

2. Thyme Infusion

Thyme is very easy to find. It is also a very tasty infusion to drink and extremely effective. It has good properties for fighting intestinal decay, so the plant is excellent for treating inflammation and fighting toxins and bacteria. 

Drink two cups every day, with breakfast and before dinner. Just bring a teaspoon to a boil, let it steep for five minutes and drink it little by little.

Heal your intestines with plants against intestinal colic

Heal your gut with herbal infusions

Intestinal colic is caused by a blockage of the digestive system. It causes spasms in the intestinal muscles and sometimes leads to inflammation and the well-known irritable bowel syndrome. This is a very annoying and painful disease.

What do you need

For this you need plants with antispasmodic properties, to relax the muscles of the digestive tract and avoid extreme movements,  which always lead to the creation of an obstacle for body waste. So what are the best infusions? Note: there is a special and effective remedy:

1. Flaxseed, Melissa and Chamomile

The taste is mild and delicious. An infusion that is more than effective for  calming colic, improving digestion and suppressing cramps, as well as having an analgesic and relaxing effect. Flaxseed, like lemon balm and chamomile, is easy to find.

To make it, simply place a bag of each plant in a pint of water to boil. Let it sit for five minutes and drink one cup every five hours. It will calm and heal you. Do not hesitate, because it is very pleasant and healthy.

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