Five Surprising Causes Of Anxiety

Many of the activities we perform in our daily lives and the environments we find ourselves in on a daily basis can cause anxiety without us even realizing it. However, in order to find a solution to your problem, it is better to know how to recognize these factors.
Five surprising causes of anxiety

Anxiety is characterized by extreme worry and insecurity. It makes you doubt everything and everyone around you.

In addition, you constantly have the feeling that bad things are about to happen in the future. This is how your body reacts to emergencies and is also linked to happy and sad moments. The main purpose of this reaction is survival.

Do you think you suffer from this problem?

Dealing with fear

Fortunately, there are several techniques that can help you deal with your fear. However, some people who suffer from anxiety unfortunately choose to just squeeze their hands really hard or eat too much. It’s common to see someone grab a chocolate or something sweet when they’re worried or need to focus.

Below we discuss the most surprising things that cause anxiety.

Resting too much

If you suffer from anxiety, normally you probably sit on the couch or lie in bed when you hear some shocking news. This ensures that you do not have time to process this information. As a result, you stay in this state of mind for a long time.

In addition, sedentary behavior actually increases the chance of developing anxiety. Most clinical researchers indicate that poor health and lack of exercise can also induce anxiety.


However, getting exercise will improve this problem. Another thing you can do to relieve anxiety is to visit family or friends.

Basically you have to force yourself to get off that couch or out of your bed. There is a whole world at your feet to explore and thousands of things to do in this world.

Living in a city


Yes, even if you don’t dare to believe it,  life in a city, constantly running from top to bottom and all the hustle and bustle that comes with it can eventually get on your nerves.

Perhaps you are not bothered by the noise and the many people. Still, it really doesn’t hurt to watch out for all that city air you’re constantly breathing. This is because environmental pollution can also be the cause of anxiety.

People who live in the countryside often suffer less from anxiety than people who live in a big city.

Environmental pollution

However, the relationship between cause and effect in the case of environmental pollution has not yet been fully proven. However,  the amount of free radicals that cause environmental pollution could be one of the causes of this disorder.

A good way to combat this cause of anxiety is to take regular weekend trips. For example, try to relax outside the city. Even if it’s just for one day. It is always good to be in a different environment for a while.

Financial problems and living in an unpleasant environment

A study conducted by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology came to the same astonishing conclusions.

This is because this study shows that women who live in a city with low social and economic standards are more likely to develop anxiety. However, these conditions affect men less.

Women who are financially strong, but who live in a city where there has been a war, also have an increased chance of developing anxiety.

Women who are very active in their communities are also likely to do so out of fear. This may be why women are more likely to contribute to neighborhood activities than men.


When women feel that their neighborhood is unsafe, this also contributes to their sense of fear. This makes them nervous.

Eating too fast

It’s ironic to think that eating too quickly can cause anxiety and even weirder to think that it can also cause depression.

A study conducted by The British Journal of Pharmacology shows that a group of pests fed a high-fat diet for four months showed much more signs of nervousness and apathy than a group of pests fed regular food.

Next, the researchers tried feeding the group of rats that were first fed high-fat food with regular food and found that the symptoms of anxiety and depression disappeared.

If you currently eat too much oil, try to change that and stick to a healthy diet from now on. By doing this, you will find that you will be less nervous as you start to eat healthier.

Living in a noisy environment

Anxiety can also be caused by everyday noise, such as the noise from a factory or children coming home from school. This may be hard to believe, but  this kind of noise can actually cause nausea and headaches.

If you live in such an environment yourself, regularly look for a quiet place where you can relax.

If you have recently moved to a new house that is next to a highway, near an airport or near a metro station and you suddenly started experiencing problems like anxiety and nervousness, it could be because of the reasons we mentioned above. .

Change your environment

We know you probably can’t just pack your bags. However, we recommend that you look for another solution. A solution that is better than just trying to live with the noise.


When it all gets too much

Problems at work, looking after your kids and your spouse, and noisy neighbors can all add up to be a bit too much. Anxiety is associated with nervousness. When we need to focus on something in our free time, we need a lot of peace and quiet.

If you’re having trouble with any of these surprising causes of anxiety, you should be looking for ways to solve your problem. You may not be able to completely change the situation, but it is certainly possible to find a balance between self-adjustment and change.


In short, anxiety can be caused by the hustle and bustle of city life, too much noise and unexpected things like too much rest. Pay close attention to your health, lead a quiet life and maintain a balanced diet. The way your body reacts to this is internally noticeable.

If you are often nervous, you may have a problem. Take the appropriate measures to solve this problem and consult your doctor if necessary.

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