Don’t Let Your Emotional Pain Hurt Others

It may be hard to believe right now, but time is all your wounds need to heal. Give yourself what you need and in the meantime make sure your pain is not hurtful to others.
Don't let your emotional pain hurt others

Your emotional pain is a very personal and complex issue that must gradually heal so that you can regain balance and find the inner peace that allows you to face each new day with strength and optimism.

While we all indeed go through periods of personal difficulties, during these times we should try never to put the blame on anyone else. Be careful not to hurt others and avoid projecting your pain onto others.

However, sometimes people just can’t help it. There are forms of depression in which the pessimism experienced is expressed through anger and apathy,  to the point that the depressed person blames everyone around him for his own problems and illness.

experiencing pain

When we experience emotional pain, we need support and help. Above all, we must therefore learn to understand that we ourselves are the designers of our own emotions. Confront your own darkness without hurting other people and make sure you get your emotions under control to restore your inner peace and calm.

We would like to invite you to think more about this subject.

Your emotional pain, a wall to be knocked down

You may have heard something along the lines of “the only thing that can make a bitter person more bitter is when he transfers his bitterness to others.”

We probably all know what it’s like to spend time with someone who can’t stop themselves from unloading their negativity and gloom. What is obvious, however, is that this person is in a lot of pain.

Your pain is just as valid as the pain of others. It is not strange at all to veil yourself and those around you in darkness. Especially when you experience personal difficulties.

It’s important to think about this.

The walls built around your pain

In situations like this, emotional intelligence is essential. We all fall down from time to time and we all experience disappointment and betrayal from time to time. When someone hurts us, we mostly feel pain.

  • This anger gradually turns into sadness and emotional fatigue. When people are in this stage of pain, they always look for someone to blame.
  • Everyone is confronted with these kinds of situations at some point. Some people are quite capable of coping with the pain. While for others this is quite difficult.
  • People build walls to protect themselves and even to make it easier to attack others.

Recognize emotions to better control them

You see more and more bitter people these days. We give less and less priority to our emotional freedom and objectivity and take less and less care of ourselves.

  • Emotional freedom is the ability to put feelings into words, to talk about the things that bother and hurt us. By hiding these negative emotions, we become like a time bomb that could explode at any moment.
  • Objectivity is the ability to let go of hatred, bitterness, and other negative emotions that can hold us back and cause even more damage.
  • We all know that pain can sometimes take a concrete form and in  order to be free, however, we must learn to forgive and move on with our lives.

Take care of yourself

  • It is not selfish to take care of yourself. Quite the contrary. It is a precise art form where we maintain an internal dialogue through which we learn to listen to our needs and identify our fears, open wounds and unresolved concerns.
  • When we take good care of ourselves, our self-confidence increases and this inner sense of well-being is then transferred to those around us.

Time heals all wounds

Never hold on to your pain and do not brood on your hatred. It is not worth it. Negative emotions are not healing, they can actually make you sick.

  • Holding onto grudges has never done anyone any good. So next time you’re going through a rough time, be extra aware of the words and gestures you express to those around you. Sometimes, without realizing it, you can become alienated from the people around you.
  • The people close to you, on the other hand, should also support you and be compassionate about your personal reality.
  • You must learn to accept their help and see these people as a source of strength and understanding.

The pain wears off

Time heals, but we must remember that we will hardly ever forget things. The wounds will always remain in our memory, but it is possible to recall these memories without also feeling the pain that was once associated with them.

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