Discover The Many Health Benefits Of Mint Tea

Mint belongs to the same family as thyme and rosemary. It is particularly notable for its properties favoring digestion and the contribution of vitamins and minerals.
Discover the many healthy properties of mint tea

The health benefits of mint tea have been known for many years. Believe it or not, there are many parts of the body that can benefit from this drink.

It is a plant that grows all over the world, but is native to the Mediterranean region. It is in fact a type with many different species, but all belonging to the mentha family.

Despite this diversity, there are a number of common elements that recur in the different varieties, such as the strong aroma, the leaves that are usually green, the light purple flowers and the growth that takes place in moist soils.

Interesting facts about coin

Interesting facts about coin

We’ll teach you about the health benefits of mint and what mint has been used for over the years.

  • It grows quickly, has branches and can reach a height of half a meter.
  • The flowers of the mint can be violet or white. They appear as the plant’s growth progresses.
  • There are about 25 species of plants within the same family as mint, such as rosemary, thyme and oregano. They are all known as aromatic herbs.
  • Mint leaves are used to make infusions, but we can also use the essential oils and apply them to different parts of our body.
  • This beautiful plant provides vitamins A and C, omega 3 fatty acids and all kinds of minerals.
  • Be careful with mint: don’t expose it too much to the sun and make sure you have enough water. You can collect the leaves all year round.
  • Its scientific name is mentha . It comes from the name of a Greek nymph, a lover of Pluto. Because he was so jealous, he turned her into a plant.

Healthy properties of mint tea

In this article, you will learn about the incredible health benefits of mint tea and mint on their own. You already know that it is very easy to plant it and also to buy it. Please take note of what we tell you below.

Mint helps the digestive system

Mint helps with digestion

It is used after meals so that the food can sink. In addition, it also serves to reduce flatulence and to digest food better. It is recommended in cases of stomach pain as it soothes cramps and helps against nausea and vomiting. If you feel too full, make an infusion with mint leaves.

  • Increases the secretion of gastric juices and helps to reduce nausea.
  • However, it’s best if you don’t use it for a long time. After all, it can cause gastritis or irritations in the stomach lining.

Mint helps the respiratory system

Because it contains menthol, it offers anti-constipation properties. It also increases perspiration and eliminates blockages in the nose. It is used to treat the flu and colds, as well as to reduce fever. In addition, its antiviral properties help to overcome all respiratory diseases.

Some people take advantage of mint’s health benefits to treat bronchitis, pharyngitis, and asthma. Those who have stopped smoking or cough a lot from cigarettes may experience less sore throat.

Mint helps the liver and intestines

Mint can be used to stimulate liver function and increase the secretion of bile. For example, it is used to treat abdominal cramps and improve digestion when the liver is not working properly.

It treats diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. In addition , it even helps to remove gases from the gut and prevents waste from rotting or accumulating.

Mint helps with blood circulation

Mint has anti-clotting properties thanks to eugenol and rosmarinic acid. It improves blood circulation and treats certain related disorders such as headaches for example.

It can also be used to reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness, as it provides greater oxygenation to the cells while at the same time increasing the cleansing of toxins.

External use

Mint against bad breath

In addition to everything we told you before, mint also helps us with:

  • Fighting bad breath
  • Ointment for rheumatic pain
  • Firming the skin
  • It is a great helper in the kitchen

How do you prepare miraculous tea with mint?

Go ahead and prepare your tea and relieve the symptoms that are bothering you. It’s very easy.


  • 6 mint leaves
  • 125 milliliters of water


  • First, heat half of the water in a pan and add the mint leaves.
  • When the water has boiled, remove the leaves and let it rest.
  • It is best to drink it while it is still warm.

Make sure you take advantage of all the health benefits of mint tea out there. Plant some mint at home and improve your health in a meaningful way.

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