Detox Your Bladder Naturally

It is important to reduce our salt consumption and stay well hydrated to naturally detoxify the bladder and kidneys.
Detox your bladder naturally

The bladder plays a crucial role in our body in the storage and removal of urine. Believe it or not, it is also an organ that is highly susceptible to disease, inflammation, infection, hyperactivity and even cancer. Detox your bladder from time to time to allow it to function better. We’ll explain how to do this below.

The need for bladder repair and strengthening

Who has never had a urinary tract infection? As we mentioned above, the bladder is a sensitive organ that can react to anything in the urine that can cause infection or inflammation. Ultimately, the organ may contain waste and toxins, which must be removed from the body.

Incontinence or an overactive bladder are also problems that can cause small changes in our daily routines. For example, we need to go to the bathroom more often, which is uncomfortable at first, but can become chronic. We need to learn how to properly care for the bladder, as well as know which foods and habits help keep the bladder healthy and functioning. And remember this bit of information, too: You should never ignore any bladder problems.

Also, more and more people are being diagnosed with bladder cancer as a result of tobacco use. Harmful substances in tobacco products infiltrate the walls of the bladder and eventually cause tumor formation. It is a condition that could completely stop the functioning of the bladder, forcing a patient to then live the rest of their life with a bag attached to the abdomen to remove urine.

So as is often the case, our first tip is: if you are a smoker, for the sake of your health, forgo the cigarettes!

Detox your bladder twice a week

To drink water

Detox your bladder once every three days. It’s worth noting that following these tips and guidelines will also help detox your kidneys.

You will probably need to cut back on salt or eliminate it from your meals completely. If you use this cleanse to detoxify the bladder or the kidneys for one day every three days, follow these tips:

  • Do not drink coffee, soda or sugary drinks.
  • Do not eat foods with large amounts of protein.
  • Schedule one day every three days with only fruits, vegetables, natural juices, and water.
  • Avoid meat (fresh or processed), sweets, and refined flour.
  • Drink two liters of water a day.

cranberry juice

Bladder Detox with Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is without a doubt the best juice for treating and healing bladder problems. Many studies have shown the role cranberry plays in the bladder. Cranberry strengthens and prevents infections and also removes calcium deposits, which damage kidney function. It also delays and promotes the accumulation of toxins in the bladder. Limescale can also lead to urinary tract infections, as well as kidney stones. This makes drinking cranberry juice regularly very healthy.

Read more:

Drink potassium-rich juices for breakfast

carrot juice

We bet you’re wondering how best to get potassium from juice. It’s very easy with a blender and the following ingredients: a carrot, a celery stick, two handfuls of spinach, some parsley and a little water. This juice is rich and very healthy and will serve as a powerful cleanser that also contains a lot of energy to help you start the day.

So detox your bladder with potassium; we are sure you will love the juice!



Watermelon is great for the bladder and acts as a diuretic. Opt for watermelon whenever possible and notice how it regulates your urinary tract by preventing infections and facilitating proper kidney function. You can mix it into juices or add it to salads to enjoy it any time of the day.

The benefits of chlorophyll


Chlorophyll is a great way to care for our bladder and improve overall health. You can find chlorophyll supplements in capsule form at health food stores or pharmacies. This natural compound improves the body’s metabolic function and strengthens the immune system. It is great to detoxify the blood and gives us energy.  This tonic is worth taking at least five consecutive days a month.

You see, taking care of your bladder is simple. Detox your bladder today with these tips. But of course always use common sense with every change in your diet!

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