Calming Anxiety Attacks: Discover The Factors That Matter

Learn how to control breathing. Also remember that anxiety attacks are short-lived. These are indispensable aspects to keep anxiety attacks under control.
Calming Anxiety Attacks: Discover the Factors That Matter

Are you a nervous person? Do you know someone who experiences anxiety attacks? Please pay close attention while reading this article. We give you a number of important tips to calm a person. That way, a person can calm their anxiety attacks.

What is an anxiety attack?

What are anxiety attacks?

First of all, we need to clarify what an anxiety attack is. Because only when we know this, we can recognize whether a person is really having an anxiety attack or not.

  • An anxiety attack is more common than you might think. In general, it happens when the body produces an excessive amount of adrenaline. The adrenaline then enters the bloodstream.
  • Usually it comes from fear. We must remember that there may also be an unreasonable factor. Then you usually can’t find out what the cause is or how you can get it under control.
  • When the anxiety attacks occur during a crisis, they usually last between fifteen and twenty minutes. Panic attacks last the same amount of time.

1. Learn how to recognize the symptoms

When a person suffers from anxiety, it usually occurs due to several reasons. It is possible that they cause such a great deal of stress that the person concerned can no longer handle it. But as we have already mentioned, there is not always a logical or real cause.

So it is true that a person exhibits physical symptoms during an anxiety attack. So you can only calm anxiety attacks if you recognize those symptoms. More specifically, people who frequently have anxiety attacks experience the following symptoms:

  • Tachycardia
  • Negative thoughts
  • The feeling of drowning or even having a cardiac arrest
  • Stomach ache
  • Dizziness
  • To sweat

2. Calming Anxiety Attacks By Controlling Your Breathing

Calming Anxiety Attacks By Controlling Your Breathing

So it is important that you discover the symptoms. But it is also important that you learn to breathe correctly. Because breathing is one of the important aspects in getting an anxiety attack under control.

If we control our breathing, we can also control our accelerated heart rate. That way you can calm your anxiety attacks.

Follow these steps and breathe properly.

  • Inhale for five seconds and hold the breath for seven seconds.
  • Then exhale for eight seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle for five minutes or as many times as you need.

3. Try to put aside the negative thoughts

Anxiety attacks often involve negative thoughts that repeat themselves. So it is crucial that you know how to stop this way of thinking.

To make these recurring thoughts go away, you need to breathe properly. Do the breathing exercises we mentioned in the previous section. They will help you to think positively and leave the negative energy behind.

4. Repeat soothing phrases

Use soothing phrases to calm yourself or to calm the person suffering the seizure. Each person can have certain phrases that work better for him. But the main objective is to have a phrase with a calming effect so that it stops the anxiety attack.

  • For example, you may repeatedly tell yourself that everything is okay and that there is no reason to be nervous.
  • Another good way of thinking is that you know that you can relax. You realize it will happen badly in seconds.
  • Remember, too, that the situation is really in your hands.  With that thought you will be able to calm your anxiety attacks.

5. Find a safe place

If you are not in the privacy of your own home at the time of the anxiety attack, find a place where you can have the anxiety attack. Because if you feel like you’ve been exposed to everyone passing by, this will only make you more nervous.

  • So it is very important that you look for a discreet spot. There you can calm your anxiety attack as quickly as possible.

6. Don’t run away

It is important that you know what to do during an anxiety attack. But we should also not ignore what we should not do.

  • Don’t run away from it. Because fleeing from the situation only increases the fear.
  • All you have to do is focus on your breathing. After just a few minutes, the attack will be over and you will be well again.

7. Don’t resort to rituals

calming anxiety attacks

Don’t associate overcoming an anxiety attack with some ritual for which there is no scientific support whatsoever. Because fear crises actually disappear on their own. Give your anxiety attacks time. Know how to breathe properly. These are two important factors to relax.

  • By using rituals you create superstitions that you would not believe in normal circumstances. However, the result is that you experience even more anxiety.

The steps we suggest in this article are all you need to diagnose and control an anxiety attack.

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