A Survival Guide For The New Mother

Being a mother is an event that makes many women feel insecure, especially new mothers. In this article, we’ll give you a helpful guide to your first steps as a mom.
A Survival Guide for the New Mom

Hello, future new mom! You have longed to be a mother and now your dream is coming true. It is so exciting! You are pregnant with your first child. 

It is normal at this stage to be nervous and insecure. However, it will be a blessing to become a mother for the first time.

Yes, there will be many things to learn. Little by little you will see that it is not as difficult as it seems. You will enjoy every experience during and after pregnancy.

new mom

As the weeks go by, your baby grows and at the same time your nerves to become a mother for the first time. We have good news for you: the maternal instinct comes naturally. So don’t worry and enjoy it. Nine months fly by!

Every day you will have more and more questions. Although kids don’t come with a manual, we’ll help you feel a little better prepared.

A Survival Guide for the New Mom

Why is the baby’s skin transparent?

When you first see your child you will notice that his skin (especially the hands and feet) is purplish red and covered with a white flaky layer. This is due to the force required to pass through the birth canal. The dark color will disappear over the course of a few days.

This white substance is called vernix and is the layer of fat that protected his body during pregnancy. It is absorbed 2 or 3 days after birth. If the skin looks transparent or very wrinkled, remember that the baby has been floating in amniotic fluid for 9 months. His circulation is still developing.

Is it normal for him to squint?

Yes, it is normal for the baby to squint in the first four months. This is for two reasons: the eye muscles are not yet fully grown and the baby does not see well when he is just born. The nerve impulses are inefficient when they start moving their bodies. Therefore, babies move awkwardly, because their muscles cannot move properly yet.

Therefore, babies are not coordinated, do not crawl and move a lot. The same thing happens with their eye muscles. Because they are so young, their eyes move abruptly and they keep looking at everything that passes by. This makes them look squint at times.

When babies are born, they cannot focus properly. Also, they can only clearly recognize what is 20 to 30 centimeters away. Their sight does not allow them to see further. When they do try, it looks like they’re squinting.

Is it normal for baby to squint new mom?

How many times a day should I change the diaper?

During the first few weeks of life, the baby will pee in his diaper every 3 or 4 hours. This rhythm can of course differ from baby to baby. It also depends on the baby’s diet. It is normal to change the diaper 8 to 10 times a day.

Whenever you put on a clean diaper, wipe the bottom with warm water and then dry well with a cotton cloth. Check that the urine is clear in color, without odor and that there is only a small amount. If it looks different, it could be an indication that the baby is not drinking enough breast milk or that the formula is too concentrated.

In the first 24 hours, the newborn will excrete meconium (dark, almost black feces). After this, the baby should wet the diaper at least 4 times a day.

How do I treat the umbilical cord?

As a new mother, it is important to know that the umbilical cord will naturally fall off after 5 to 15 days. Do not try to remove it yourself, even if it has almost fallen off. The umbilical cord must be kept clean to avoid possible infections.

Don’t cover it with a diaper. This way there is no chance of it getting dirty with the baby’s urine or feces. The drier you keep it, the faster it will fall off. Do not bathe your baby in the first few days after birth. Clean it with small sponges or wet towels. You can also wash it with an antiseptic.

What does the new mother do with the umbilical cord?

We will now tell you step by step how to clean the umbilical cord correctly:

  • Wash your hands well first.
  • Then soak a sterile gauze pad in an antiseptic solution.
  • Then gently dab around the umbilical cord.
  • Lift the clip holding the umbilical cord up. This way you can clean the entire area without leaving any spots of dirt.
  • Repeat this process twice a day.

We know how important all this is to you. That’s why we don’t want you to feel alone during this process. Your maternal instinct will help you do things right. For your child you will always be the best in the world. Believe in yourself new mom!

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