Home Remedies With Olive Oil

Olive oil has been used for natural medicines for centuries. It is very beneficial for your health. It contains great and healthy fats.
Home remedies with olive oil

Olive oil, also known as ‘liquid gold’, is an amazing ingredient that has been used by humans for natural medicine for centuries. It is very beneficial for your health. It contains such great and healthy fats for Mediterranean diets that it cannot be missed in your daily life. However, there are also home remedies with olive oil.

Besides adding to your diet, olive oil also has great ingredients for many aches and pains in your daily life. We’ll tell you more about these olive oil home remedies below so you can apply them when you need to. Learn about the amazing benefits of this ‘liquid gold’, which the ever-great mother nature gives you.

Health benefits of olive oil

olive oil

To benefit from olive oil you should consume 40 grams per day (3 tablespoons).

  • Reduces your blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to the monounsaturated fatty acids, it reduces LDL in your body, while increasing the good cholesterol HDL and balancing it.
  • Improves cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Reduces hypertension,  thanks to the polyphenols and oleic acid.
  • Promotes digestion by acting as a protector against excess stomach acid.
  • Promotes your body’s pH levels.
  • Allows absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Prevents constipation.
  • Improves the digestion of nutrients, as olive oil can stimulate bile secretion from the gallbladder and thus prevent slow or poor digestion due to fats.
  • Promotes cognitive functions,  thanks to polyphenols and monounsaturated fats.
  • Anti-inflammatory, similar to ibuprofen.
  • Olive oil is recommended for menopause.
  • A great antioxidant, so it slows down aging.
  • It makes you feel full, so is highly recommended for dieting.
  • It makes your skin more elastic, repairs hair and nourishes nails and eyelashes.

Home remedies with olive oil

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1. Constipation

We recommend consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. If you want you can give it more flavor by adding a few drops of lemon juice. If you have severe constipation, you can make a mixture of olive oil (1 teaspoon) and warm water (1 teaspoon again) and use it through an enema.

2. Earache

To get rid of this, all you need to do is put a drop of warm olive oil in both ears and cover it with a cotton ball or cotton ball.

3. Hair Loss

Olive oil relaxes your hair follicles and increases blood flow to this area. To do this, massage your scalp with olive oil and then cover it with a towel for several hours. Then rinse it off with water and shampoo.

4. Rheumatism and Sprains

As we mentioned before, olive oil has about the same properties as ibuprofen. It is very beneficial to massage yourself with one or two tablespoons. Pour it on the affected area and give yourself a 5-minute massage so that it is well absorbed. You will feel the relief.

5. Burns

To improve and heal burns, it is very beneficial to apply a tablespoon of olive oil. However, don’t apply it right after you get burned, as you’ll need to let the burn breathe for a few minutes first. Olive oil moisturizes your skin and relieves the pain.

6. Growth Stripes

It is very normal to have growth marks or stretch marks on your muscles, abdomen or breasts. To reduce them, you can mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of wheat germ. Then apply this to your skin and massage it gently. The hydration will enhance their appearance, but you have to do it every day and be consistent.

7. Acne

One of the home remedies with olive oil is for acne. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of olive oil, you have a perfect ally for solving acne problems.

You should add it to your diet as it also helps you keep your skin clean and hydrated. Prepare a special toner with 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 1/4 liter of olive oil. Then massage your face daily.

8. Remove earwax

Put two drops of olive oil in your ear before going to sleep to remove earwax. Cover it with a cotton ball or cotton ball. The next day, put a little hot water in your ears, for example using a syringe. This will remove earwax painlessly.

9. Gallstones

Another of the home remedies with olive oil. It may come as a surprise, but a very common and effective remedy for getting rid of gallstones is to take a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. You have to be consistent, but little by little you will get rid of the gallstones.

10. Smoothes Wrinkles

Thanks to its antioxidant powers and great moisturizing effects, it is very beneficial for your skin. You can smooth out wrinkles if you massage your face every night with a tablespoon of olive oil and two drops of lemon. Your skin will look shinier and younger. Don’t hesitate to try it.

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