Is Everything Predestined? Or Not…

If you run into an unexpected event or things don’t go the way you expect, there’s probably a good reason for it. Are you trying to force things? Do you want results too quickly and are you unable to wait for the right moment?
Is everything predestined?  Or not...

Sometimes things are predestined and sometimes they happen for a reason. Because you have worked hard for it, because you have spent a large part of your life to achieve this long-awaited result. Because fate finally smiles at you and lends you a hand to achieve your dream.

The other side of the coin, of course, also exists. Some wishes don’t come true at all, because it’s not the right time. The time is not right or maybe luck – or misfortune – is keeping you away from what you like to accomplish.

It is strange that life always seems to balance this strange balance. Sometimes everything goes effortlessly as planned and you move in the flow. Other times it’s as if nothing seems to work and everything goes wrong. 

Every day you drowsy yourself over how to keep things moving forward, but there seems to be no movement. Nothing comes your way. Maybe fate has forgotten you?

Let’s look at this feeling from a completely different point of view.

You are in charge of your own life. If you would like to realize your dream, then you are the one who has to go out and get started. Luck and fate may accompany you every now and then, but you, your attitude and your perseverance will make your project a success.

Let’s dwell on that for a moment.

Some things are “destined”

No doubt you have already experienced that you receive a comment from a colleague or friend about how lucky you are in life. How everything goes so smoothly and life is always smiling at you.

Can you safely answer that this has not much to do with luck? But with the daily effort and your perseverance that help and assist you to achieve your goals. After all, not everything is predestined and happens without you having a say in the pie.

Usually, it’s your effort that gets you to the destination you’ve always dreamed of.

Is everything in your life predestined?

misfortune and luck

Is there such a thing as happiness and unhappiness? As with everything in this world, there is a small percentage of events that are out of your control and will always be subject to randomness. You cannot always avoid an illness or accident.

It is also difficult for you to control or determine the actions and reactions of the people around you.

  • Happiness and unhappiness do exist, but in the form of small doses that you have to learn to recognize and understand. With this knowledge you are able to get to know and control your own reactions to your environment.
  • In most situations, however, you are completely unaware of how you can react or respond to certain situations.
  • Psychologists call this skill with the word “locus”. There is such a thing as an internal or external locus of control. People who adhere to this “external locus” attribute circumstances and events to factors outside themselves and beyond their control, such as the fate or influence of other people.
  • The result is a feeling of helplessness when things don’t go as planned or when a personal project seems to be failing. The fault must always be sought elsewhere and one never has to point to oneself.
  • It’s pretty obvious that this isn’t a really efficient way to walk your life path. When you learn to develop your inner control, you are able to take control of your life. Only then will you be able to learn from your mistakes and see that a lot of positive things will come to you because you earned them yourself.

What prevents ‘predestination’?

Everyone is looking for happiness in life, regardless of age, race and origin. But what if this happiness doesn’t seem to be coming your way? Is there an invisible, negative force at work somewhere that is holding back this happiness?

However, being unhappy has nothing to do with being predestined, but is usually the result of some very concrete emotions that you can learn to control yourself.

If something doesn’t go as planned, there is almost always a reason. Look for the factors within yourself that are partly responsible for this. Look them in the eye and learn how to use this process to achieve happiness in your life despite adversity.


Did you know that fear is at the root of most feelings of unhappiness? It is the main reason why you miss out on new opportunities or enriching changes.

Fear trims your wings and stops you from taking action. Moreover, an anxious person all too often puts his fate in the hands of others because he is incapable of making decisions on his own. Fear thus becomes the main trigger that brings you to the state of the ‘external locus’ described earlier.


  • Everyone knows the feeling of indecision and not knowing which way to go. But this attitude full of doubt also prevents you from taking an active part in your life and achieving your goals.
  • It’s like your life is playing out like a movie where only you are the spectator, when you should be taking the lead!

Have you reached the point in your life where nothing seems to be happening or everything is raging around you without being able to control it? That it seems that your fate is predestined. Then now is the time to get up and get the ball rolling.

Woman with Butterflies

The danger of waiting too long

If you keep waiting for fate, you risk losing all your hopes and your dreams. Happiness is not like a sunrise, ready every day. You make happiness and feel it yourself.

There is no fixed concept, it is different for each individual and it comes mainly from yourself. No more waiting for those or life around you!

Decide today to put an end to your fears and doubts. Stay away from those who prefer to keep you in the same place or role. Being healthy means daring to move and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Finally dare to make your dreams come true!

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