Cleanse Your Colon With These Five Home Remedies

It is not enough just to use these natural remedies. Cleanse your colon by following a healthy and balanced diet, which helps your body to eliminate waste as best it can.
Cleanse your colon with these five home remedies

Your colon is a very important part of your digestive system. The main task of this organ is to remove waste products and to extract water and mineral salts that your body needs.

It is therefore extremely important for your overall physical health that your colon functions properly. The reason for this is that this organ has the job of processing the nutrients absorbed by the small intestine. In addition, the large intestine performs a lot of other important functions.

The problem is that all kinds of problems can arise when the colon is exposed to toxins. And if these problems are not kept under control, they can ultimately negatively affect your quality of life.

What’s also quite disturbing is that colon problems usually don’t cause obvious symptoms at first. And if you don’t treat these problems in time, they can eventually cause even worse complications.

Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that can be helpful in this case. Thanks to the properties these remedies have, they can help to cleanse your colon. As a result, this organ will be better able to perform its functions as well as prevent serious diseases.

In this article we therefore share the five best remedies to cleanse your colon. Don’t wait to try them until you feel like your body is overloaded with toxins.

1. Cleanse your colon with flaxseed, papaya and aloe vera

Colon Cleanse

A smoothie made from linseed, papaya and aloe vera contains a lot of prebiotics. These help you rebuild the internal bacteria that protect your gut.

The high fiber content, along with the enzymes and antioxidants in this smoothie, can help improve bowel function and ease bowel movements.


  • 1 tablespoon linseed
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 slices of papaya
  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon tasteless gelatin


  • First, mix the tablespoon of linseed with the cup of water and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning you should have a thick, slimy mixture. Then put this mixture with the papaya and the aloe vera gel in the blender.
  • Make sure you have a smooth smoothie.

When is the best time to drink this smoothie?

  • Drink this smoothie every morning with breakfast for two weeks.

2. Cleanse your colon with pineapple, apple and aloe vera

This fruit smoothie can also help to cleanse your colon in a natural way and consists of several components. First of all, you have the digestive enzymes that the pineapple contains. This drink also contains natural acids from the apples. These acids help to regulate your pH level.

These properties make this an excellent drink to maintain the healthy bacteria in your gut. In addition, they help to fight inflammation and the build-up of toxins.

Drinking this drink reduces constipation. In addition, it protects cells from the damage caused by free radicals.


  • 2 pineapple slices
  • 1 red apple
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 1 cup of water


  • Peel the pineapple and apple. Then remove the core from the apple. If the apple is organic, you don’t have to peel it.
  • Then put all the ingredients together in the blender and mix them together until you have a smooth drink.

When is the best time to drink this smoothie?

  • Drink this drink at least three days a week with breakfast.

3. Cleanse your colon with sea salt and warm water

Colon Cleanse

A simple mixture of sea salt and water can be very helpful for your bowel movements. This mixture ensures that waste products are expelled from the body without disturbing the electrolyte balance.

In small doses, this mixture has a detoxifying and anti-parasitic effect. This ensures that this is a good means to keep your colon healthy.


  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 cup of water


  • Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of warm water.

When is the best time to drink this drink?

  • Drink this mixture with breakfast.
  • Repeat this treatment four times a month.

4. Cleanse your colon with lemon and cayenne pepper

Tea made from lemon and cayenne pepper is a remedy that has purifying and antioxidant properties, among other things. This means it can help improve your digestive functions and ease bowel movements.

The alkaline effect keeps the production of acids under control. In addition, it promotes healthy bacterial activity.


  • 1 cup of water
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • First bring the cup of water to a boil. When it starts to boil, add the lemon juice and cayenne pepper.
  • Let it stand until cool enough to drink. Then add the honey to make it sweeter.

When is the best time to drink this drink?

  • Drink this tea every morning with breakfast for two weeks.

5. Cleanse your colon with castor oil and orange juice

Colon Cleanse

In the first place, both ingredients contained in this remedy have  a natural laxative effect.  As a result, it helps your colon to remove accumulated waste more easily.


  • 2 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1 cup orange juice


  • Mix the castor oil and the cup of orange juice well.

When is the best time to drink this drink?

  • Drink this remedy every night before going to bed for seven days in a row.

Do you also suffer from abdominal pain? Do you feel like your colon is overloaded? Then try one of these natural remedies and then try a detox plan that supports the functioning of the colon.

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