Seven Great Ways To Relax Your Mind

During the day you experience moments of stress, tension, fear and you may even have moments when you want to run away to hide from these kinds of situations. What is the best way to deal with these negative emotions so that they do not harm your health?
Seven great ways to relax your mind

In today’s article, we’ll walk you through seven easy ways to relax your mind when you need it most. These are practical strategies that can help you and we invite you to learn them with us.

1. Your hiding place, your safe haven

Your hiding place, your safe haven

Here’s a simple example to help you understand this first tip.

  • Imagine you are at work with a thousand things to do and everywhere you look there is more tension, noise, colleagues wanting to know things about you, so many things…
  • Or imagine that you have just had a big fight with your partner and you realize that you also have to take your children to school.

How can you make time to relax in such a moment , even if it’s just for a second ?

Think an empty room. This is a personal place of calm and tranquility where you can close the door behind you and be alone. Behind that door is noise and stress, but you are safe in your intimate, quiet space. You can then stay here until things blow over, and stay calm. There is no pressure.

2. A white wall to relax your mind

A white wall to relax your mind

This exercise is easy and very effective. Each of us has experienced moments when we were overwhelmed by endless worries, fears and stress. You are, as it were, attacked by negative emotions that make you feel paralyzed.

When this happens, you should immediately break off that series of thoughts with the thought and image of a white wall in front of you.  Let this endless white calm and reassure you. Try it. Stop worrying and dissolve your fears thanks to this protective image against the flow of negative energy.

3. Focus on your breath

Focus on your breathing

Stress and anxiety make you breathe faster and make your heart beat faster than it should. Suddenly, and without realizing it, you succumb to muscle tension and headaches.

If this happens, try to focus on slowing your breathing.

  • Start by placing one hand on your stomach and taking a deep breath. 
  • Feel your abdomen move with each breath.
  • Then rest for a few seconds with each breath and notice how the air disappears from your body and at the same time feel the weight being taken off you.

It is very relaxing for your body and it also helps in relaxing the mind.

4. Write


A simple and therapeutic way to relax your mind is to carry a writing pad with you at all times. It’s a simple way to write down all the worries you’re worrying about.

Release your fears and stress through words and if you want you can burn all the pages later as a final liberation.  You can also keep them in a journal, in which you can not only write down your worries but also your hopes and dreams. Day after day, this journal can be your best friend, your personal escape route.

5. Get some sun, go for a walk in the grass

Get some sun, go for a walk in the grass

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or if anxiety and daily worries have upset you so much that you’re extremely stressed, don’t hesitate any longer: take a long walk through a park, forest, beach, or mountains.

Feel the sun on your skin and let the calm wash over you as the light caresses your skin.  It is like traveling back in time to the origins of mankind and we assure you that there is nothing more therapeutic than a daily walk through nature.

6. Find someone who listens to you

Find someone who listens to you

Somewhere in your social circle, you know that there is a person who genuinely wants to listen to you with empathy. That person helps you relax your mind for a while, while you describe the things that make you unhappy, worry you, or cause stress.

Sometimes you are not looking for advice or someone to tell you what to do. However, often you just need someone to listen. After you get off this weight, you can ask them if they can help you decide what your next steps will be.

7. Find your personal space

Find your personal space

Everyone needs personal space where they can relax and be themselves. Some people can find it by listening to music and closing their eyes. Others prefer to draw, dance or learn to knit – no matter what you do.

What’s important is that you have some kind of method or hobby that will help you release your tensions and just be yourself, letting you get rid of your worries.

Finally, it is important that you discover what works best for you to relax your mind. Everyone is unique and special and not everyone will benefit from the same advice. Take it easy and try out all the tips we’ve provided here so you can see what works best for you.

Remember to always put your life and happiness first. So don’t give so much of yourself to others to the point where you don’t care about yourself anymore. Give your heart and mind what they deserve and defend your personal space, privacy and freedom. Don’t lose sight of them!

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