4 Basic Elements Of Stretching: Do It Right!

If you stretch before and after exercise, it is very important that you take the time and use the following 4 basic elements.
4 Basics of Stretching: Do It Right!

Today we will talk about 4 basic elements that help to stretch properly. You may be familiar with all kinds of stretching exercises. Still, there is sometimes some confusion about the right way to stretch, or even think it doesn’t work. Then read on, so that you appreciate stretching.

How are we going to do this? By giving you examples of stretching that we all know, but with tips on how to do them the right way. So remember these 4 basic elements of stretching that we so often forget.

Basics of good stretching

You should stretch before and after exercise. This prevents you from getting injured, and stretching also ensures that your muscles recover faster.

If you experience cramping or more pain than usual, you may not be stretching properly. Let’s see how to stretch properly and start making changes today through these 4 basic elements of stretching.

1. Take it slow

neck stretch

Sometimes you are in a hurry, and you do some stretching exercises quickly, especially after working out. After all, you’d like to go home and eat something to satisfy your hunger, right?

However, this can be counterproductive. Be careful when you stretch, not only to protect you from injury, but also because it will not give you a positive result. Here are two tips:

  • The longer you hold still during a stretch, the better it is.
  • Do the stretch as slowly as possible.

For example, consider stretching your neck. If you do that with abrupt, jerky movements, you could hurt yourself. You will probably feel a sharp pain and possibly even more tension than before. Then it sometimes happens that you tense your muscles, instead of relaxing.

2. Stretching your muscles

Stretching the legs

Then the next point of the basics of stretching. Proper stretching is done by stretching the muscle a bit. Suppose you are stretching your quadriceps:

Put one leg back and grab your foot.

Gently bring this to your buttocks and tense your quadriceps.

If you don’t feel your quadriceps stretch as much as possible, you’re not doing it right. If you do, you will feel the pull of the muscle. But how can you stretch like that? There are a few options:

  • Try to stretch further. A yoga pose, the king dancer, is a difficult, but effective example. Your quadriceps will definitely respond to it.
  • Switch with stretches. One way to change your quadriceps stretch is to kneel on the floor and let your torso kick back. This stretches the muscles of both legs at the same time. In addition , your body weight increases the intensity.

3. Breathe

shoulder stretch

Another basic element of stretching is breathing. You might think it’s just for activities like yoga, meditation, or Pilates, but stretching is actually really important too.

As you inhale, your muscles stretch, contract, and the stretch deepens.

  • For example, if you are stretching your triceps, inhale as you bring your bent arm behind your head.
  • Do it slowly and continue to inhale, pushing with your other hand to intensify the stretch.
  • Then exhale as you slowly release the pressure and return your arm to the starting position.

4. Stretch Long Enough

The last basic element of good stretching has to do with time. You may not usually pay that much attention to it. As a result, you only hold each stretch for a few seconds. That is a pity, because then you will have less results from your effort.

You should hold each stretch for an average of 30 seconds. It can be difficult at first, but it’s worth it. Over time you will notice that you become more flexible.

Don’t underestimate the power of these basic stretching elements

Underestimating the value of stretching can lead to injuries, cramps and stiffness. That’s why we wanted to give you the above information, it’s really important.

Remember that you need to stretch your entire body, from your legs to your back to your arms and neck. While you are stretching, always remember the 4 basic elements we went through today.

It doesn’t matter how tired you are after your workout, or how much of a rush you are in. Proper stretching gives positive results if you keep doing it. Even if you don’t notice results right away, you will in no time.


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