8 Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers

By recognizing the symptoms in time, you can seek the help of a specialist and get an early diagnosis. You can treat the ulcer so that it doesn’t get worse or affect your quality of life.
8 Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are deep wounds in one or more areas of the mucus that protects the stomach. The symptoms of stomach ulcers below will help you to detect them in time.

Stomach ulcers occur when the production of stomach acid is increased. These irritate the stomach lining and cause a painful, burning sensation.

The cause of stomach ulcers is associated with an abundant intake of foods that promote inflammation. But the main cause is a bacterial infection called H. Pylori .

They also seem to be more common in patients who smoke and drink alcohol. This is because the toxins and chemicals shrink the stomach lining.

Recognizing Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers

Early detection is very important for treatment as it prevents the damage from increasing. It also prevents other digestive complications from developing.

As a result, it is important to know how ulcers form and how to identify them. The symptoms of stomach ulcers below can help you with this. After that, it is important to consult a doctor.

1. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is one of the symptoms of stomach ulcers

Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms of stomach ulcers that form in the stomach lining.

  • This pain can range in severity from mild to severe, especially when you eat irritating foods or when you don’t eat for a long time.
  • The symptoms occur in the upper and central parts of the abdomen and extend to both sides.

2. Stomach Inflammation

Stomach inflammation is a problem that seems to occur in the majority of digestive problems.

  • In this case, it causes a very bloated feeling in the stomach and is normally associated with both a feeling of abdominal pressure and a feeling of fullness.
  • The stomach infection is your body’s response to the onslaught of the copious gastric juices on your stomach lining.

3. Recurrent Indigestion

Indigestion can be caused by stomach ulcers

While digestive problems also include the two symptoms above, it’s important to list this as a symptom on its own as well. The reason for this is because this also gives a feeling of full belly and pressure in the abdomen.

  • In this case, the indigestion occurs regularly. The damage in the stomach causes a burning and painful sensation every time you eat acidic foods or large amounts.
  • It is normal for people who suffer from this to burp and have an upset stomach. This is especially common just after eating.

4. Decreased Appetite

Due to the inflammatory response caused after eating, many ulcer patients also begin to lose their appetite.

  • The fear of the burning and painful sensation from ingesting food causes the affected person to lose his or her appetite.
  • These symptoms can have serious consequences as they can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

5. Nausea

Nausea can be caused by stomach ulcers

Nausea is not only a symptom of food poisoning, pregnancy or gastritis, but also one of the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

This uncomfortable feeling of wanting to vomit is  caused by the abundant stomach acids that irritate the mucus of the stomach.

  • During the initiation of the wound, there is an inequality of the attacking and defensive factors in your stomach. It’s that inequality that makes you feel uncomfortable.

6. Food Allergies

Because the stomach lining is weak as a result of the stomach ulcers, there is a high possibility that you suffer from food allergies.

  • The inflammation-enhancing factors of some ingredients seem to exacerbate your situation. This can lead to severe pain and digestive problems.
  • It occurs almost immediately after eating, interfering with your other daily activities.
  • It generally occurs with foods rich in fats, sugars or spicy ingredients.

7. Abundant Weight Loss

Weight loss is not always welcome

The weight loss in patients with peptic ulcers is usually due to the lack of appetite that this disease brings.

  • People who suffer from stomach ulcers usually stop eating right. This reduces the number of calories and nutrients they absorb. It follows that they lose a noticeable amount of weight.
  • It’s a symptom to watch out for. You lose not only fat, but also muscle.
  • It requires a complete medical analysis as this weight loss can also be caused by other chronic diseases such as cancer.

8. Bleeding

The presence of blood in your stool or vomit is an indication that your ulcers are growing.

  • Few patients reach this point as it only occurs when the problem has reached a dangerous level.
  • However, if you do see this, it is very important that you seek medical attention, as this is an indication of serious health problems.
  • This symptom can also be an indication of other chronic digestive diseases, such as stomach or colon cancer.

Discovering several of the above symptoms of stomach ulcers is enough reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Once you’ve been diagnosed, it’s important to improve your eating habits. Add food that helps neutralize the acid reactions.

In addition, drinking more water can help, as it is essential for the repair of the affected tissue.

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