Alternatives To Whey And Their Properties

It is not easy to find an alternative to whey, as it contains essential nutrients for our body. It helps to eliminate the excess of saturated fat in, among other things, milk. Read more about the properties and possible alternatives to whey.
Alternatives to whey and their properties

You can’t always find buttermilk and if you can, you can use whey or whey alternatives to make it. Today we would like to show you some alternatives to whey. We will also discuss their benefits and features.

Whey is a slightly sour milk. This acidity comes from the lactic acids present in it, as the whey proteins are slightly curdled. Decades ago, when the butter was still churned by hand, a liquid was left behind at the end of this process. This liquid was called “whey” and contained less buttery fat than regular butter.

So whey has a much lower fat content than butter or sour cream. Today, whey producers add lactic acid bacteria to skim or semi-skimmed milk to obtain it.

The nutritional value of whey

  • In its aqueous composition, whey contains the most important water-soluble minerals and vitamins of the milking process. It is also a great source of vitamins of the B group (B1, B6 and B12) which are essential for the proper development and functioning of the body.
  • Whey is also rich in vitamins C and D, which serve to strengthen your immune system. This is something to keep in mind during cold and flu season.
  • Another important property of whey is that it contains a high concentration of minerals that are all essential for the proper functioning of our body, such as:
    • calcium
    • phosphorus
    • potassium
    • sodium
    • manganese
    • magnesium
  • Also note that it is quite low in calories, so its consumption is recommended for people with high cholesterol in their arteries and can help treat cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.
  • Also, doctors recommend the consumption of whey for people who need to lose weight, because it is a hypocaloric substance.

The main properties of whey

Milk splashing on a spoon

As you can imagine, whey’s key nutrients can help you stay healthy. This is something that will later translate into a series of benefits to consider, such as:

  • It is very valuable to our microbiota as it acts as a powerful prebiotic in our gut. Therefore, it is very helpful in treating conditions such as diarrhea and constipation.
  • Whey is a great supplement for athletes as it encourages better synthesis of carbohydrates, which will later become energy.
  • It also acts as a natural cleanser. This is because it contains a high amount of amino acids, such as glutamine. It also aids in the regeneration of lost liver tissue.

Five alternatives to whey

A can of whey and a ball of cheese

As delicious as whey is, it is often difficult to find these days. However, the following alternatives have some similar benefits:

  • Make your whey with cream or tartar. Mix 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar with a cup of milk and let it sit at room temperature for five to 10 minutes, until dissolved. Then strain it, and it’s ready to use.
  • Use lemon juice. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a cup of skim milk. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for about five to ten minutes. It will then look like curdled milk or very liquid yogurt. Strain it and use it.
  • Make it with yogurt. Mix two tablespoons of milk with enough natural yogurt to fill a cup. Stir it and use it.
  • Use sour cream. You can easily make a quick whey substitute by diluting sour cream with a little milk. Then you stir it together and use it.
  • Use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Add a tablespoon of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to a cup of semi-skimmed or skim milk. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for five to ten minutes (it should look curdled). Stir it and use it.

By now you know the many benefits of whey and the alternatives to this food. Try to include them in your diet regularly!

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