Six Tips To Protect Your Lips From The Sun

Protecting your lips from the sun is important to avoid burns and possible harmful consequences. It is also very important to take care of your lips after sun exposure.
Six tips to protect your lips from the sun

The outer layer of the skin on your lips is thin. Therefore, it is not sufficiently protected against UV rays. This area has very little melanin, the natural skin pigment that can protect your lips from the sun. As a result, they rarely discolour, but can easily burn.

In addition, because your lips are on your face, they are almost never protected. They are therefore constantly exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.

Did you also know that licking your lips is more harmful than beneficial? Saliva acts as a kind of lens that can make sun exposure worse.

Sun-related lip damage

When the skin on your lips is burned by the sun, it can lead to long-term damage. If your lips are unprotected and exposed to too much sunlight, the collagen can change.

It is likely that your lips will wrinkle and fine lines will form around your mouth. The damage occurs even when you don’t see any physical signs of the sun’s effect.

Wrinkles and premature aging are not the only consequences of sun damage. Prolonged and unprotected sun exposure can also lead to the development of actinic cheilosis. This is a precancerous condition sometimes known as “farmer’s lip” or “sailor’s lip.”

People with this condition often complain of persistent dryness of the lips and cracking of the lips. They often exhibit other effects of sun-damaged skin, such as precancerous lesions and many wrinkles. It is estimated that 3,500 new cases of skin cancer in the lips are diagnosed every year.

Ulcer on lips from sun damage

Sun exposure is also one of the most common triggers of herpes labialis. Therefore, lip protection can reduce the risk of it. This condition requires special care. Protecting your lips from the sun is therefore essential.

How do you protect your lips from the sun?

Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen products to care for and protect your lips. It is important to protect your lips for at least half an hour before going outside.

As with body sunscreen, you should also apply lip protection regularly during sun exposure. We will now tell you how to protect your lips from the sun:

1. Use waterproof products

If you’re going to the pool or beach, make sure your lip protection is waterproof. It is important that it offers protection, even during prolonged swimming (80 minutes or longer).

A lip balm goes off the fastest. You should therefore apply it as often as necessary while you are on the beach or by the pool.

2. Sunscreen free from PABA

You should also look for a PABA-free sunscreen. This is because PABA can cause allergies in some people.

3. Check the sun protection factor (SPF) to protect your lips from the sun

Lip balm with sun protection factor

As with body sunscreens, lip balms to protect you from the sun also contain a certain sun protection factor (SPF).

Choose a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher to protect your lips from the sun. Make sure the product keeps your lips soft and hydrated. Remember that dehydration can increase the burning of your lips.

4. Do not use lip gloss as a substitute to protect your lips from the sun

You’ve probably thought about applying lip gloss instead of a protective lip balm because you didn’t have anything else to hand. However, doing this will only damage your lips more.

A glossy lip gloss or lipstick damages the skin of your lips because they don’t block UV rays. Also, choosing a lip gloss without a sun protection factor can increase your chances of developing skin cancer.

5. Scrub your lips

Means to exfoliate your lips

After sun exposure, gently exfoliate your lips if they are dry and starting to peel. Use some sugar and olive oil for this. This mixture helps to remove accumulated dead cells.

You should of course keep in mind that you should not scrub your lips too hard and do not treat them incorrectly. It is a very vulnerable area. In addition, you should not exfoliate your lips immediately after exposure to the sun. Your lips are then more sensitive than normal.

6. Use products that retain moisture

Buy a product for your lips made from:

  • beeswax
  • Vaseline
  • paraffin

These ingredients are very gentle on the lips and make them look better. Plus, they will retain moisture and last longer on your lips. This way you can enjoy your summer walk without having to worry about applying your lip balm often.

Make the most of the time you spend outside without forgetting to protect your lips from the sun. Remember that your lips also suffer from the damaging effects of UV rays. So make sure to apply a lip balm with a sunscreen to your lips every day.

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