Resveratrol, An Excellent Shield For Your Brain

Resveratrol is a polyphenol that occurs in various plant species, but especially in the skin of blue grapes. The pure substance occurs as white to light yellow crystals, which are poorly soluble in water. Resveratrol is believed to be beneficial in preventing heart disease and cancer.
Resveratrol, an excellent shield for your brain

It probably sounded like a joke the first time you heard about it. A drug that works for everything? Hmm… how weird! According to the ads and sales, resveratrol is the miracle everyone has been waiting for.

It relieves cardiovascular and lung problems. It is also a good ally in the fight against:

  • Cancer
  • obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • It even promotes brain health.

Room for skepticism and nuance

I was also suspicious, of course, until I did a little research and discovered that I’ve been taking this substance all my life!

I’ll tell you all about below, as I’m sure you’d like to know how r esveratrol is an excellent shield for your brains.

Resveratrol: What Is It And How Does It Work?

Resveratrol is a polyphenol, that is, an enzyme produced by plants as a defense against bacterial and fungal attacks. It has a complex chemical structure, but most interestingly, it is also present in:

  • oysters
  • peanuts
  • Black berries
  • walnuts
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Derivatives such as wine and grape juice.

And we’ve always consumed it without knowing anything about its amazing properties!

drink wine

The discovery of  resveratrol

This molecule was first discovered in 1940 and was initially only used for cancer treatments. It showed an incredible ability to regulate redox signals and work with cells from different tissues.

In particular, the antioxidant properties it possesses has given us the idea that it is a cure for cell aging and the general decline of our entire body. Capsules and creams containing it are now sold worldwide.


The pharmaceuticals sold are not seen as drugs, but as dietary supplements prepared by naturally drying the skin and seeds of black grains and roots of other plants.


I consider facts related to such a controversial topic as the effects of something that has been proven on an experimental level and not just based on interpretations.


Resveratrol has been proven to:

  • Is an antioxidant.
  • Activates certain regulatory genes, which are present in different organisms, which protect them against various diseases.
  • It can act as an anti-estrogen. In other words, it can deactivate estrogen-regulated genes, helping to eliminate certain types of cancer.
  • It may have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • In experiments with rats and mice, promoting anticarcinogenic, antiaging, anti-inflammatory, hypercholesterol-eliminating and other beneficial cardiovascular effects were discovered.
  • In vitro works on various molecular objects and has positive effects on breast cells, skin cells, prostate cells and digestive system cells.
  • It can, in large amounts, significantly lower blood sugar levels.
  • In lab animals, physical capacity was improved.
  • Creates an increase in fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial biogenesis, and gluconeogenesis. In other words, it has neuroprotective properties.


These results have not yet been discovered in humans. Experiments are being done every day, which may overnight provide the answer we are all waiting for. But in the meantime, all we can do is sit with open eyes and wait.

It is currently being investigated whether resveratrol:

  • Protects against cardiovascular disease, even when wine, especially red wine, has seemingly beneficial effects on your heart.
  • Has protective effects against oxidative damage in your brain structure and metabolic disorders, such as diabetes.
  • Can be used to improve the balance and mobility of elderly people, because the current results are not yet convincing. It is also thought to attenuate free radical damage, a product of dopamine degeneration, and prolong cellular life.
  • Affects people’s physical capacity in a positive way and whether it has anti-aging, antifibrotic and hypercholesterol-eliminating effects on people.

Resveratrol, an excellent shield for the brain

brain care

You’re probably wondering what the detail is that I’m so interested in and what was the reason for writing this article. Well, that’s because resveratrol strengthens and protects the most important organ in our bodies: the brain.

Brain cells need a constant supply of oxygen to stay healthy and function properly. But oxygen absorption is not always what it takes to think, learn, and even have a good memory. So resveratrol, in certain doses, increases blood flow to the brain and makes better use of oxygen in this area.

More good news

Even more good news is that according to several studies, polyphenol may help fight accelerated cellular degeneration.

It also reduces the risk of these diseases. It is important to note, however, that these results have only been obtained in the laboratory, under controlled conditions and at much higher amounts than what is available in foods.

The last bit of advice

So now you know what resveratrol is and isn’t. It has a lot of great properties, but the properties claimed in pharmaceuticals are still unproven. Remember that not enough research has been done before you buy it.

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