Fighting Pollen And Allergies With An Air Purifier

An air purifier can be an excellent option when it comes to enjoying a cleaner and healthier environment. This is especially true if you live in an area with high levels of air pollution.
Fight pollen and allergies with an air purifier

The arrival of spring is a reason for many to rejoice because the weather is starting to get better. However, some people suffer from spring allergies. Fortunately, an air purifier can help.

It’s the same story every spring. Temperatures are starting to rise, there is more light throughout the day, birds are singing, bees, flowers and green buds appear here and thereā€¦

An itchy nose and throat, watery eyes, a dripping nose and continuous sneezing can prevent a person with allergies from enjoying the nice weather. However, there is good news: air purifiers help filter and effectively remove pollen in the home.

It is important to remember that spring is the pollination period of plants. That means it is inevitable that the air will be full of pollen and pollen.

For example, the Spanish Society for Allergology and Immunology (in the Netherlands the Dutch Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology) indicates that air pollution in urban environments exacerbates the effect of pollen.

Therefore, people who have hay fever in these environments suffer even more from their symptoms. That’s where air purifiers can come in handy.

What does an air purifier do?

Air purifiers are very useful devices for everyday life as they help eliminate the thousands upon thousands of microscopic particles that are potentially harmful to your health. They even help eliminate bad smells too.

It is essential to understand that these particles not only contain dust, but also:

  • mites
  • animal allergens
  • fungi
  • pollen
  • bacteria
  • viruses 
  • chemical contaminants such as tobacco smoke and carbon monoxide

Those already inspired to test the effectiveness of air purifiers say they view the device as a fundamental tool for enjoying a cleaner and pollen-free home.

How does an air purifier work?

Air purifiers are most successful in large cities, given the high levels of pollution in the environment. However, you can enjoy the benefits of an air purifier anywhere!

Just plug the device into a power outlet and it starts working. Once your device is installed, it will adapt automatically. When you switch it on, the air purifier will finish purifying the environment in your home within ten minutes.

How does an air purifier work

There are devices that filter and purify 100% of the finest particles in the air. As a result, you can breathe clean, pure air. Therefore, these models are an excellent option for people who suffer from:

  • allergies
  • asthma
  • rhinitis
  • bronchitis
  • other conditions that affect the airways

This is especially an excellent option in the spring, when respiratory allergens (pollen, mold spores, mites and animals) can cause the most discomfort.

The success of this contemporary technology lies in the filter system which has four levels. The device manages to capture all substances that can cause disease much more easily.

The device makes no noise at all while doing its job. The machine performs its task discreetly, without affecting your daily life, activities and especially your rest.

Because an air purifier must be connected to an electrical source to work, it also has a timer. This air purifier also comes with many programming options to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, it can be controlled via a smartphone, whether you are at home or not, for even more ease of use and comfort.

Are air purifiers just for the home?

The use of home air purifiers is very common and highly recommended. That said, you can also install this device in other environments where people usually spend several hours at a time, such as a workplace.

Are air purifiers only for home

Things to consider

While it is true that an air purifier is a very useful device for keeping your home clean, you cannot leave all the responsibility to this device. Even when the device is functioning correctly, it is important and necessary to take certain measures, such as:

  • Ventilate your home daily for at least 10 or 15 minutes.
  • Vacuum carpets and curtains regularly.
  • Remove stuffed animals and related objects to help prevent the build-up of respiratory allergens.
  • If you have an air conditioner or other air purifier, don’t forget to change the filters regularly. If you don’t, dirt can build up in them and they won’t work properly. Please note that some odor and HEPA filters cannot be reused over and over again. So you have to replace it from time to time.
  • To avoid a mite infestation, stop using wool bedding and pillows.
  • Please refer to your device’s user manual for more information on maintenance and cleaning.

Finally, keep in mind that air purifiers don’t use as much energy as an air conditioner. These devices can complete their function in 10 minutes a day. As a result, it consumes much less energy.

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