4 Bad Habits To Avoid With Chronic Gastritis

In this article, we’ll show you 4 habits to avoid if you have chronic gastritis. Changing these habits can make your stomach feel much better.
4 Bad Habits to Avoid With Chronic Gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. It is a condition that can be temporary, but if not treated in a timely manner, it can become a long-term digestive disorder. Do you know the habits to avoid if you have chronic gastritis?

In this article, we’ll show you 4 habits to avoid if you suffer from chronic gastritis. You can even ignore some guidelines or do things without realizing that they are harmful. However, they can worsen your digestion. We tell you more below.

4 Habits To Avoid If You Have Chronic Gastritis

The mucous membrane protects the stomach wall against stomach acid and germs. If this protective layer becomes irritated or damaged, it can become inflamed. This inflammation of the stomach lining is called gastritis.

This problem can be caused by certain bacteria as well as regular use of anti-inflammatory painkillers. Therefore, it is best to go to the doctor and discuss the problem. That way, you’ll get the best treatment, and learn what habits to avoid that could make it worse.

1. Consuming Certain Irritants

Beer and a cigarette

One of the worst habits you can have with this condition is consuming irritants or food. These products damage the mucous membrane even more and make any symptoms you have worse.

Irritants are of course tobacco and alcohol, but it is also better to avoid coffee and tea in some cases. In the case of alcoholic drinks, it is best to replace them with drinks without alcohol. For example, you can try some natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Some spices can also be irritating, such as ginger, pepper, and mustard. In addition, sugar and sugary foods can cause long-term harm, even if they don’t cause immediate discomfort.

2. Wrong food

In addition, if you have acute or chronic gastritis, it is important to follow some guidelines when sitting down to eat a meal. Keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • It is better to eat 5 small meals a day than 3 large meals. Also, don’t eat too much, as this can complicate your digestion and make gastritis worse.
  • Make sure you chew your food well. That way, each bite is digested properly when you swallow.
  • Eat in a relaxed and quiet environment, without arguing or other distractions.
  • Opt for simple meals that don’t combine too many foods. In addition, it is best to eat some fruit in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon, but not citrus fruits.

If you suffer from chronic gastritis, you may notice relief from your symptoms if you eat regularly throughout the day: at breakfast and lunch and even after eating a snack. In the evening it is best to eat quite early and have a light evening snack.

3. Overuse of antacids

A woman taking an antacid

Many people with heartburn or chronic gastritis turn to antacids, also called antacids, to ease their discomfort. Whether medicines or sodium bicarbonate-based remedies, it is best to use them only occasionally. Also, only use the medication your doctor has prescribed.

Stomach antacids are not the solution to the problem. They only temporarily relieve your symptoms. In the long run, they could even damage your digestive system, as they disrupt the functioning of the gastric juices.

Plus, in certain cases, they can even predispose you to developing other, more serious digestive diseases in the future.

There are certain types of antacids that do not irritate your stomach. Ask your doctor for advice in your specific case. In addition, there are foods that can provide relief, such as apples, cucumbers, papaya or prunes.

4. Relieve Your Stress

The last of the habits that can exacerbate chronic gastritis is experiencing stress all the time. To what extent are gastritis and stress related? Stress increases the production of stomach acids that cause this digestive problem.

Therefore, in order to treat chronic gastritis, you need to change some of your habits to help you relax. Drinking herbal teas or taking certain supplements, as well as doing activities such as yoga, meditation or tai chi to reduce stress are some good examples of how you can support your body.

What to avoid if you have chronic gastritis?

These tips from this article can help you find relief from your complaints and improve the quality of your life. However, if you suffer from this disease or its main symptoms, it is important to see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and the best possible treatment.

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