Three Remedies For Bad Breath With Mint

Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is not always due to poor oral hygiene, so you should learn some home remedies that will help you treat it.
Three remedies for bad breath with mint

Using mint in home remedies for bad breath can help you get rid of a common problem that many people are ashamed of.

Contrary to popular belief, bad breath, or halitosis, doesn’t necessarily mean you have poor oral hygiene. Usually it is caused by other conditions.

For example, digestive problems can lead to halitosis. It can also occur if you suffer from a dry mouth. The same thing can happen if you eat strong foods like:

  • onions
  • spicy sauces
  • garlic

While you can also use chewing gum, or even a mouth spray, to mask bad breath, these are not natural and can also be high in sugar. They also naturally contain chemicals, which are not always good for you.

Keep reading to discover three bad breath remedies that contain mint. This will get the problem under control.

Three remedies for bad breath with mint

1. Mint tea

Mint tea in a cup

The first remedy with mint for bad breath is  to drink it as a tea. This is especially good during the winter as you may not feel like hot drinks during the summer as the temperatures are high. You can also make the tea and then let it cool before drinking.

The ideal way to make mint tea is to make it with fresh mint. It’s better not to use prepackaged mixes, you know, those bags that you just hang in the water.

This remedy will be much more effective if you buy fresh mint at the supermarket or market. Maybe the neighbors have it in the garden and you can ask them for a few twigs. Or even better, you can grow it yourself!

How to make a delicious fresh mint tea:

  • Place 4 fresh mint leaves in a small pot of water (about 250 ml).
  • Place it on the stove and let it cook for a few minutes.
  • When the tea is ready, let the mixture steep and cool for a few more minutes before drinking it.

It is best to drink this tea two to three times a day, preferably with meals. For example, you can drink it with breakfast, and after every other meal. You will soon discover how well your halitosis will improve, and your breath will smell wonderfully fresh.

2. Chewing Mint Leaves

Mint plants in a basket

This is another mint remedy to keep in mind to get rid of your bad breath. Instead of chewing gum or another product that doesn’t really fix the problem the way you hope it would, you can also chew mint leaves.

  • It is enough to chew two leaves at once to get rid of the halitosis.

For the best effect,  keep the mint leaves in your mouth for as long as you can. The recommended time to get the most benefits from this remedy is 3 to 5 minutes.

It’s a great on-the-go tool, and a natural and effective way to get instant relief.

If you’re planning to go out to dinner or meet someone for coffee, mint leaves will prevent you from getting bad breath. You can easily take them with you, and often they are also present in restaurants or coffee shops.

Don’t underestimate halitosis, as it can show up unexpectedly.

3. Natural mint drink

The last mint remedy for bad breath is ideal for the summer,  because you can also drink it with ice if you want.


  • a bunch of mint leaves
  • 2 kiwis in good condition
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 peach
  • water, to taste


  • Wash the fruit well and cut it into pieces. Also cut the mint into pieces.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender. Add as much water as you like, depending on whether you want a watery drink or a thicker one, like a smoothie.
  • Also add honey to taste. If the recommended amount makes your drink too sweet, use less.
  • When it is well mixed, you can serve it.
  • It is important  to drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach. Although you can drink it at another time, it is always more effective if you drink it on its own.

This mixture improves your bad breath, not only because it refreshes your mouth, but also because it has a calming effect on the stomach and helps to remove toxins. Remember that poor digestion is one of the main causes of bad breath.


Have you ever used these mint remedies for bad breath? Which has yielded the best results. We hope that if you suffer from halitosis you will  want to try these simple natural ways.

If you suffer from bad breath despite good oral hygiene and does not go away despite these remedies, then it is time to make an appointment with the dentist to examine cavities or Zenker’s diverticulum. These problems can only be solved with specific treatments.

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