What Are The Differences Between Sadness And Depression?

We often confuse sadness with depression. Although both feelings have some common characteristics, they differ in specific areas. It is important to know those differences.

Do you know the differences between sadness and depression ? In this article we tell you all about it.

Sadness is one step below depression

We use the phrase “I’m depressed” in all sorts of situations. For example:

  • after a horrible day at work
  • when our clothes are soaked by a violent storm
  • if our team lost the championship final.

Yet we can only describe the feeling we experience at such events as sad or anxious.

what is sadness

Sadness is a natural reaction to an unfortunate event, a negative situation, a frustration. So it is more normal to feel sad than depressed.

Feeling devastated after a breakup, financial problem, or inability to achieve a goal is normal. After all, we are not robots or machines. Sadness is far from suffering from such a serious pathology as depression.

The feeling of sadness disappears completely with the passing of time or if we can solve the problem. It has nothing to do with the seriousness or importance of what caused the grief. We go through a period of mourning and then realize that life goes on.

Even when a loved one dies, or when we move to the other side of the world or get divorced, we move on.

In these cases we do not even speak of depression, but of a normal reaction to difficult situations. We suffer because we have feelings and because that situation leaves a deep impression on us.

Perhaps with the sadness, other symptoms such as apathy, insomnia and headaches also appear. But they are also far from a depression.

What is grief then? We state clearly here: sadness is a natural emotional state, a reaction associated with a specific period or situation. Examples of such situations and periods are: disappointments when life puts us in very painful situations or when people around us are suffering.

What is depression?

Now let’s look at the characteristics of depression. We start with the medical definition. He states that it is a mental illness and a mood disorder. Depression is classified in different ways depending on the symptoms the patient is showing.

The duration of each depressive episode can vary from weeks to years. Those who suffer from it need professional help. It is essential to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist. Only in this way can the person fully enjoy life again.

To be diagnosed as depressed, a person must exhibit at least five of the following symptoms. The list is only a guideline. In any case, consult a therapist.

  • Feeling irritated almost all the time.
  • Feeling sad all day long for no apparent reason.
  • Experiencing loss or reduction of pleasure and interest in daily activities (especially in the things he/she used to be interested in)
  • Changes in weight and appetite.
  • Difficulty falling asleep or the need to sleep a lot.
  • Feeling restless every day.
  • Move slowly. Tiredness and low energy.
  • Not being able to make decisions.
  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Focused on problems. Constant reduction in concentration.

Those symptoms may also be there when we’re sad, but the big difference between sadness and depression is that when we’re depressed, we don’t know what’s causing it. We don’t know why we behave like this and it’s also hard to figure out the reason.

On the other hand, we feel sadness after a specific situation and we also recognize the signals.

How can we distinguish sadness and depression?

It is therefore very important to clearly define the characteristics of both feelings. Even if they are similar or we sometimes fail to distinguish, clarity is needed.

  • If we can determine the cause of the symptoms, then we know we are sad. By thinking about the problem and seeking a solution, it is then possible to overcome those emotions.
  • In depression we are confronted with a chronic and general sadness. There is no apparent reason for these feelings. Even with therapy, we sometimes fail to discover the cause.
  • Depression affects us in every way and affects our relationships (couple, family, friends, work, and so on).

Depression makes life less exciting, less enjoyable, and less exciting. We lose the meaning of things. Depression destroys our vital energy. It takes away the motivation and fun from any activity. The depressed person becomes a frustrated, isolated, impatient and angry individual.

Many people wonder, “How do I know I’m depressed?”

In fact, this pathology only becomes apparent when the symptoms have persisted for a long time. That also means that the individual does not immediately realize that he is suffering from an emotional disorder.

There is a test, the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale. Psychologists use the test to determine the condition of the patients. A diagnosis is made based on a series of questions.

During therapy, a more extensive test can also be used, such as the Self-applied Zung Depression Scale. That test clarifies the spectrum a little more. This way you can go deeper into specific topics.

Depression affects five percent of the world’s population (especially women). So don’t ignore depression. It can lead to suicide attempts. It also becomes a nightmare for the depressed person and those around him or her, even if that person has no inclination or attempted suicide.

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