Someone Who Really Loves You Gives You Peace And Security

Someone who really loves you understands who you really are and will never try to change you. They accept you for all your pleasures and all your flaws and support you in all your endeavors.
Someone who really loves you offers you peace and security

Someone who truly loves you will make you laugh, share their happiness with you, and give you comfort and security to replace your fears, worries, and sorrows. These are the principles of healthy love.

We all know it’s not always easy to find an emotionally mature person like the one described above. It is difficult to find someone who offers us a real sense of security, where there is no room for deceit or half-truths.

But there is something that we need to be very clear about from the start: it goes without saying that we should always try to offer others what we need ourselves. In addition , we must always be clear about what we deserve and that means being clear to ourselves and to others.

And there’s no doubt that emotional or intimate relationships can be extraordinarily complex. They require a great personal investment, the will to grow, as well as the ability to offer respect and happiness to our loved one.

And that while we also have to take good care of ourselves. It is far from an easy matter!

The most striking relationships are those where both parties feel calm and relaxed enough to be their true selves. It can be a magical and exceptional experience that gives us great satisfaction and improves our personal well-being.

Because it’s such a complicated topic, it’s worth pondering for a while.

Someone who really loves you is able to really listen to you

Hearing someone is not the same as listening to someone;  that’s something we all know. Above all, in love , we must feel that we are heard and understood. In an intimate relationship, we need to feel that what we think and what we communicate with our partner actually resonates with the other person.

  • Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to agree with your partner on everything; that would be almost impossible! What is important, however, is that you know how to make each other feel heard and that you will eventually come to some sort of agreement, even if you don’t have the same opinion.
  • That’s why ‘knowing how to communicate’ is so important. A simple sentence that describes what is sometimes an extremely complex task: to put into words the ball of emotions that we all carry within our hearts.

For example, if we’re not a communications expert, it’s not uncommon to shut up about the little things that annoy us. We then wait for the other person to guess what’s going on or until the other intuitively knows what the problem is, which is almost magic.

This course of action does not make sense. Instead, we should learn to say what bothers us or worries us when it bothers us or worries us, rather than waiting until it’s too late.

Someone who really loves you boosts your confidence

Woman chasing a man's shadow

Each of us deserves full love, not a half-hearted relationship based on disclaimers like, “Today I love you, but tomorrow I’ll have to think about it. If you want me to show you affection, you have to behave in a certain way.”

No one deserves a love based on insecurities or blackmail. No one deserves a love that makes you live in fear that the other person may leave you at any moment.

A solid and mature relationship cannot be built on quicksand. A mature love arises in the space of calm and shelter where you have nothing to be afraid of. Where there is no fear, or doubt whether we will still be loved tomorrow, or whether we are worthy of our partner’s respect.

Someone who really loves you will support you

We talk a lot about the need to shape the path of our own destiny. About feeling our strongest love for ourselves and vigorously guarding a sense of personal security.

That allows us to live the way we want and make our own decisions without the opinions of others influencing us too much.

Maintaining a strong relationship means having total commitment and investing in the relationship every day, but also trusting and valuing the other person.

Of course, in any relationship it is important that we feel supported. It is normal to care deeply about what our partner thinks of us. Therefore, critical or disparaging comments about goals, desires, or the way we spend our time are often very painful.

We should keep in mind the following: to love someone is to know how to respect the other and think along with his or her personal projects. It enriches the relationship and improves the personal growth of both people.

Someone who really loves you won’t betray you

You can trust someone who really loves you

It should go without saying that someone who cheats or lies to you is offering you a love unworthy of the name love. You don’t deserve it, you don’t need it, and it doesn’t do anything to be worthy of you as a person.

There is one other thing we need to remember: a person who is capable of lying to someone he or she – presumably – loves does not love themselves either.

Something that is loved must be cared for as if it were a precious possession, a delicate treasure that must be guarded with attention and care.

If you have forgiven a lie and the liar, you should at least be careful. You will have to look to the future to see if the behavior repeats itself. Forgiveness can be good, but it’s important to remember that we shouldn’t forgive everything.

If we do, we may blame ourselves in the future for the harm the other inflicts on us, because we have not set clear and courageous boundaries.

Someone who really loves you loves you for who you are

Someone who really loves you loves you for who you are

Someone who really loves you will love all your nuances, your quirks, your beautiful virtues and even your flaws. That also means that the other person is not trying to change you.

  • We must never forget this simple principle. Just as no one has the right to demand things that conflict with your identity and values. Conversely, you also have no right to ask your partner to be something he or she is not.
  • We must demand to be loved in an authentic way, for who we are, for how we are, for what defines us and for our true essence.

Never fall into appearances just to please another. The only thing that will accomplish is that you will lose your confidence.

Always try to keep these principles in mind when you think about your intimate relationships. You will then be able to create a safer life full of satisfaction and satisfaction for both parties. In short, a healthy love with someone who really loves you.

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