10 Products Not To Eat Before Bed

Are you looking for a small snack before going to bed? Remember that there are many foods that you should avoid. So try to choose foods and drinks that will help you fall asleep.
10 products you should not eat before going to bed

Every now and then your stomach can start to rumble and you want to eat something before going to bed.

It’s normal to seem a little hungry at times like this, even if you’re just 

In this article you will learn about 10 things you should not eat before going to bed.

Eating the wrong foods before going to sleep can mess up your metabolic activity. That, in turn, can cause you to gain weight or develop other conditions.

That is why it is important that you maintain healthy eating habits. So limit your consumption of these 10 foods, especially  before going to bed  ,

Find out which ones they are below!

10 products you should not eat before going to bed

1. Butter


Butter can be used in many recipes, but because of its high saturated fat content  , it is not a good idea to eat butter before going to bed.

In general, you should eat butter in moderation. However, if you also eat butter at night, it can lead to digestive problems.

2. Candy


Most people assume that there is no harm in eating a little sweets during the day. However, eating sweets at night is more problematic. That’s because the high amounts of sugar and chemicals can affect the quality of your sleep.

Some of these chemical compounds stimulate the activity of your nervous system. They cause your brain to go into a state of alert, which of course is not useful when you want to go to sleep. Some people even claim that eating sweets before bed increases your risk of having nightmares.

3. Ice Cream

Ice cream

It’s a bad idea to satisfy your nighttime hunger with a bowl of ice cream. This product contains fats, sugars and other added substances that make your metabolism function differently and also affect the activity of your nervous system.

In addition , ice cream slows digestion and can lead to pain and inflammation.

Eating spicy foods

4. Spicy foods

Herbs give some extra flavor to many dishes. However, it is better not to eat them at night. The reason for this is because they cause too much stomach acid to be produced.

Eating spicy foods before bed can lead to acid reflux and stomach pain. Some herbs are also high in calories and that can cause you to gain weight.

5. Sausages


They may look crispy and tasty, but sausages 

In general, you should not eat too many sausages to maintain a healthy body weight. But when you eat this food at night, it leads to difficult digestion and a slower metabolism.

6. Cheeses


The problem with eating cheese before bedtime lies with an amino acid that cheese contains. It is known as tyramine and causes the production of the hormones to decrease 

Don’t just eat cheese as a standalone dish. After all, it is a very heavy food that is rich in fats, which can cause inflammation and stomach problems.

7. Bread


Bread and pastries may seem like good options to satisfy your hunger when you’re craving something. However, you should not eat bread before going to bed, because bread contains many unnecessary calories. It may sound crazy, but bread is also one of the products that you should not eat before going to bed.

Flour and sugar in the pastries from the store have  a negative influence on your metabolism and increase the risk of obesity and blood sugar problems.

8. Chocolate

Dark chocolate

A portion of chocolate a day can bring many benefits. Chocolate is full of antioxidants and amino acids that improve your physical and mental health.

However, it is a bad idea to eat chocolate in the evening or at night. Some ingredients in chocolate are stimulants that can get in the way of a good night’s sleep.

9. Red meat

Red meat

Red meat contains protein and saturated fat, both of which slow down your digestive system while you sleep.

This type of meat is good for your health in moderation, but it is better not to eat it at night so as not to disturb your sleep.

10. Coffee


You should avoid coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine when it is later in the day. In small doses, they may help you focus and lift your spirits, but at night or in the evening it is counterproductive.

Are you looking for a small snack before going to bed? There are certain things you should not eat before going to sleep, you probably know that by now. So try to choose foods and drinks that will help you fall asleep rather than keep you awake.

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