Music Therapy Helps Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Believe it or not, the most optimistic of researchers believe that music can replace medical treatment for hypertension, at least for some patients.
Music Therapy Helps Lower High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is often one of the major concerns of adults and the elderly. Health insurance, blood pressure monitors and medication are our guarantee to prevent this. However, a new alternative is in sight: music therapy.

Extreme emotions are a trigger for high blood pressure.

That’s something doctors always emphasize. Given that this is pre-eminently an emotional factor, diet and medicine can’t do much about it.

But let’s try to work on the problem from a behavioral perspective. Then music therapy may be an option that many people have not yet explored.

How can music therapy help us control hypertension?

Playing the harp is ideal as music therapy

It has been scientifically proven. Certain types of music have the ability to regulate and influence systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

In this way, it can help prevent problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

  • Slow rhythms and harmonic music can improve blood vessel dilation by 26%.
  • This also helps to prevent heart failure and heart disease.  Especially when dealing with unexpected mood changes, anger, or other emotional causes.

However, not all types of music have the same effect on humans. That’s something we can demonstrate ourselves by listening to different rhythms and musical genres.

Classical music has shown positive effects

According to specialists, the effect of classical music on the narrowing of the arteries has been proven.

Many experiments have been conducted regarding this genre of music. Classical music seems to have the best effects for controlling blood pressure.

Of course, other styles of music can also benefit our blood pressure.

Meditation music has even set a trend in this type of experience. It is designed to work on behavioral problems. That way, it should be beneficial to the people who listen to it.

Meditation music is therefore specially made for music therapy.

We can experience the effects of music therapy ourselves

You feel better thanks to music therapy

Stimulation such as laughter, the environment and music have been shown to play a determining role in our emotional state. At the same time, they also affect our blood pressure.

The best part, however, is that we can experience this ourselves.

To try it all you need to do is listen to a song you like. After all, this will generate an emotional stimulus. In addition, the effect is noticeable from the moment you put on your headphones.

Of course, not all styles of music have the same effects.

The same thing happens when we listen to a guided meditation or relaxation. Many of these methods use natural, soft sounds. They make us feel like we are in a quiet, pleasant place.

In contrast, when we listen to rock or dance music, the effect is usually the exact opposite.

The relaxation effect

There is not yet complete knowledge about music therapy. However, some researchers in this field call the phenomenon the relaxation effect.

Freeing us from stress and psychological strain contributes to the prevention of an increase in blood pressure.

Music therapy has the ability to create a relaxed feeling. However, it is not the only way to do this. Taking a deep breath, going on vacation, or lying on the couch have similar effects.

Believe it or not, the most optimistic of researchers believe that music can replace medical treatment for hypertension. At least for some patients.

A recommended relaxation exercise

Swimming helps you relax, as does music therapy

Suppose you feel overwhelmed by a strong emotion. Or that the blood pressure monitor shows an unusually high level. Then it is important to remedy this.

  • The first thing to do is put on some soft music. Music you like, with slow rhythms.
  • To do this you can move to a more comfortable room or space.
  • Then the idea is to  lie down comfortably and breathe deeply while listening to the songs.
  • You may also gradually reduce the intensity of your breathing.

In this way you can combine different relaxation techniques. This way you can prevent hypertension and its consequences for your health.

With music therapy you can control your blood pressure, without side effects

This discovery has many advantages. First of all, this kind of treatment helps us to get good results. We do not have to take the typical side effects of medication into account.

Implementing these types of activities can also improve the patients’ quality of life.  In addition, it provides us with other tools for combating stress and fatigue. It also gives us time to release the tension.

The best thing is that you don’t need a lot of money. You can easily perform your own music therapy treatment. An electronic device, headphones and a cozy space. You don’t need more to get started.

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