The Types Of Schizophrenia And Their Characteristics

There are different types of schizophrenia. Some of them can cause hallucinations, others delusions, and some even lead to abnormal movements. Today’s article will discuss the symptoms that predominate in each of them.
The types of schizophrenia and their characteristics

There are different types of schizophrenia. Until recently, this mental disorder was divided into subtypes. There are now five different types of disorders, differentiated according to the characteristics that predominate in each type.

However, there are all differences in the way reality is interpreted: hallucinations, delusions and variations in behavior and thinking. This disease greatly affects the lives of those who have it, as well as those around them.

It can even be a social risk if patients lose control of their actions. Today’s article discusses everything you need to know about the different types of schizophrenia and their characteristics.

What is schizophrenia?

As we mentioned above, this is a mental disorder that usually appears around the age of 20. This is important, because people confuse it with other pathologies.

However, experts believe that people do not suffer from this condition if the symptoms appear during childhood or after the age of 45.

This disease affects emotions, behavior and thinking, among other things. Symptoms vary, but hallucinations are common, both auditory and visual.

Someone with schizophrenia perceives things like voices or people that no one else can hear or see. This symptom usually changes thinking and people may speak in a confused way that makes no sense.

Another common sign is abnormal movement. For example, someone may move their arm excessively or assume an odd position for a while. Even, as we’ll explain later, this movement disorder can be characteristic of some types of schizophrenia.

What are the types of schizophrenia?

Woman with schizophrenia

According to an article written at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spanish link), both the recognition of the types of schizophrenia and the acceptance of the disorder itself are relatively recent. It used to be thought that people who suffered from this disease were possessed by demons.

For this reason, one can say that psychology has progressed considerably. Before the publication of DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), only five types of schizophrenia were distinguished. We list them below.

paranoid schizophrenia

The predominant symptoms in this type of schizophrenia are usually delusions and auditory hallucinations. According to a study published in the Electronic Medical Journal, this is the most common type (Spanish link).

Disorganized Schizophrenia

There is a change in the emotional capacities of these people. They find it difficult to act appropriately in all situations. That is, they tend to be uninhibited and exhibit strange behavior. For example, if someone gives them bad news, laugh.


This is one of the most easily recognized types of schizophrenia. These people can stand for a long time without moving and without showing any expression on their faces.

They themselves remain motionless, but their minds go in all directions. In fact, it is so bad that they disconnect from the outside world and do not respond to stimuli.

Residual and undifferentiated

Undifferentiated schizophrenia is one in which no specific symptoms predominate. It is mainly a mix of the others. Residual schizophrenia maintains certain symptoms despite treatment.

The types of schizophrenia according to DSM-5

Therapy session

Today, DSM-5 is the standard manual for diagnosing mental disorders. This tool contained numerous changes from previous editions regarding the types of schizophrenia.

According to a study by Revista Iberoamericana de Psicosomática (Spanish link), the elimination of these subtypes is the main change. However, they are now trying to determine the symptom that predominates at the onset of the disease.

Instead of listing types of schizophrenia, they clarify specifications. They do it this way so that the psychologist or psychiatrist can more easily assess and treat a patient with this condition.

The types of schizophrenia are still used as a classification

In summary, then, there are five types of schizophrenia: paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual. Despite the fact that many experts have abandoned this classification, many others continue to use it, as it can be helpful in establishing a treatment.

What you need to keep in mind is that each type is serious and poses a risk to the lives of those who suffer from it and to those around them. So seek professional help if you think you or someone close to you is affected.

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