Natural Treatments For Stomach Ulcers

Since the foods you eat play a key role in treating an ulcer, it’s important that you increase your intake of protein and vegetables, including lean meats, and avoid processed foods.
Natural treatments for a stomach ulcer

Stress, poor nutrition or long-term use of certain types of drugs  can cause many problems in your body. One of those problems is an ulcer.

If it currently bothers you, read the following article where we will introduce some natural treatments. The pain will be a thing of the past.

Stomach ulcer: what you need to know


These ulcers are actually  lesions in the mucous lining of the stomach, which can be caused by:

  • The presence of a particular bacterium (Helicobacter pylori)
  • Nervousness
  • a lot of sitting
  • Not enough exercise
  • Spicy or fatty food
  • stress
  • Fear
  • Poor nutrition
  • Taking certain medications (especially anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers)

An ulcer can be very painful and patients sometimes experience nausea and vomiting. If not treated promptly, this problem can lead to serious complications and conditions that require surgery to prevent the damage from spreading.

An ulcer can also lead to an increased risk of stomach cancer.

As we have already mentioned, one of the causes of a stomach ulcer is a  poor diet. That’s why we recommend the following:

  • Eat more plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables) and  plant-based proteins  (beans, nuts, etc.).
  • Eat lean meats, such as  fish and chicken.
  • Use only whole grain  rice, pasta and bread, instead of the processed white varieties.
  • Do not drink coffee or alcohol  and do not eat processed foods such as sausages, fried foods, and sweet or spicy foods.

List of natural remedies for a stomach ulcer

In addition to improving your diet, you can also try herbs that promote healing. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor first to make sure you’re taking the right amount and if you’re at risk for side effects or complications. 

Some of the natural remedies are:


This spice that tastes like anise is often used in certain recipes. You can buy a fennel plant, but it is not recommended for people who also suffer from high blood pressure, as it can increase it even more.

The best way is to buy glycerin-free licorice root, which has no side effects. Licorice protects the stomach from the side effects of certain medications. Try taking a little licorice before every meal to create a protective layer on the stomach lining.


stomach with heartburn

This herb can be found in any health food store and is known for its antimicrobial properties. The root of ginseng helps fight infections caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria  and also helps limit damage to the stomach lining.

aloe vera

There are hundreds of internal and external ways you can use aloe vera in natural medicine. The gel of the plant can be used to heal skin wounds, but it is also very good for the mucous lining of the stomach.

Try to drink a glass of water with a little aloe vera gel every day (on an empty stomach if possible). Some people eat the stem of the plant after removing the threads.

This is one of the lesser known treatments for stomach ulcers, but it is very soothing and effective. Be careful when using this option as it also has a laxative effect. Do this no more than twice a week.

cayenne pepper

This spice can also cause irritation if overused, but research has shown that one of cayenne’s many properties  ( capsaicin, which gives it its spicy taste) helps strengthen the stomach lining while preventing the spread of the bacteria that cause the ulcer. causes stops.


Actually, it is the juice of the cabbage that you should consume. You can make it yourself using a blender or food processor (don’t forget to add water). This is a very powerful vegetable when it comes to healing stomach ulcers. You can also add some cabbage to your salad and other recipes, but it’s best to eat it raw.


woman with stomachache

More and more people have become fans of this small, dark berry as it is great for people who have problems with:

  • The kidneys
  • High bloodpressure
  • overweight
  • high cholesterol

And also for those who suffer from stomach ulcers.

It is recommended to drink blueberry juice before this treatment. It helps prevent ulcers from forming on the stomach lining, fights infections and relaxes your digestive system.


This beautiful orange flower is good for the skin and, like aloe vera, has medicinal properties. It is an excellent choice for stomach ulcers.  You can consume it as a tea.


  • one handful of marigolds
  • 250ml water


  • Boil the water first and add the marigolds.
  • Then let it simmer for five minutes.
  • Then remove it from the heat to let it steep for another five minutes.
  • Then strain the water and add a tablespoon of honey (which also fights bacteria) before drinking.

Green tea

You can actually use any food that contains a lot of flavonoids. For example:

  • red grapes
  • apples
  • plums
  • Parsley
  • soy
  • lentils

All of these foods have been proven to  be able to reduce inflammation in the digestive system, reduce  the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria, and heal the damage to the stomach lining.

Try adding one of these medicinal products to your daily diet and you will see the result.


man with stomachache

According to recent research, bananas and plantains help protect the stomach lining from ulcers thanks to their protease content, which kills the bacteria before damage occurs.

It also thickens the mucus wall and promotes mucus production, which is a great way to stop the harmful acids from doing more damage. 


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