Eat Less Grains For Weight Loss

Breakfast, lunch, and supper. During every meal, we eat foods that contain grains: bread, pastries, pasta, etc., as these are often easy and satisfying dishes.
Eat less grains for weight loss

Gluten sensitivity is not the same as celiac disease. Someone with a sensitivity to gluten will not show symptoms right away, showing that their problems are not directly related to this condition. Grains are an important source of gluten.

Breakfast, lunch, and supper. During every meal, we eat foods that contain grains: bread, pastries, pasta, etc., as these are often easy and satisfying dishes.

However, excessive consumption of such foods is not healthy and will encourage weight gain.

In this article we describe how you can easily lose weight and improve your general health by eating less grains.

We eat too many grains

A balanced diet requires a certain ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables and grains. The problem is that we eat too many grains  and too few vegetables. We eat too much bread, pizza, pasta and all kinds of pastries every day.

cereals various types of bread

Why do grains cause weight gain?

However, our body does need grain, as it provides long-term energy.  This is especially true for whole grains. The problem occurs when we eat too much grain or too late in the evening.

The energy from these grains is then not used. Then it accumulates in the form of fat.

Gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance

Most grains come from gluten-containing grains, such as wheat, oatmeal, rye, spelt,  etc. However, not all contain the same amount of gluten. Other nutrients such as rice and corn do not contain gluten.

cereal bowl with flour

Today, many people suffer from some form of gluten sensitivity. However, this is not the same as gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

A person suffering from celiac disease has a direct allergic reaction. While  someone with gluten sensitivity does not immediately experience symptoms, but rather has long-term problems. These problems are normally not related to this disease.

In this case, the food will not digest properly, which can cause problems such as weight gain. When people with gluten sensitivity stop eating gluten, they will quickly see changes.  And they will be able to control their weight easily.

Other symptoms of gluten sensitivity include:

  • Frequently recurring constipation and diarrhea
  • Bad digestion
  • Skin problems such as keratosis pilaris
  • Menstrual problems
  • Sterility
  • Obesity and Weight Loss

If you think you may be sensitive to gluten, see your doctor. The doctor will recommend the necessary tests to make a diagnosis.

Some ideas for eating less grains

  • There are kitchen appliances to make spaghetti from vegetables with ingredients such as zucchini. With this device you can turn a boring plate of vegetables into a ‘fake’, but very tasty plate of pasta. Just add tomatoes, cheese and oregano.
eat less grains and more vegetables

  • It’s surprising how many possibilities vegetables create when making cookies. Did you know that you can make a delicious biscuit from vegetables and chocolate? You can do this by replacing regular flour with vegetable flour or with cooked and mixed vegetables. The result will amaze your whole family.
  • People with gluten intolerance benefit greatly from eliminating gluten completely and  replacing it with other gluten-free flours, such as rice, corn, or chickpeas. This flour can be used in the same way as regular flour for preparing bread, cakes, pizzas, pancakes, etc.
  • Bread is the most difficult to replace,  as it forms the basis of the diet in many cultures. You can already start by reducing the amount of bread you eat. Then you can gradually replace it with equivalent foods that contain less flour, such as products based on rice or corn. You can also make toast with sage, flax and sunflower. To do this, crush the seeds and mix them with a little water to make a paste. Then bake it for 30 minutes at 120 degrees, until you get a crispy texture.
Photos courtesy of: tzejen, xavi talleda, and michelle@TNS.

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