Just Leave Everything Behind, I’ve Often Thought About It

Sometimes leaving everything behind is not a sign of cowardice at all, but quite the opposite. When the things around you start to get hostile, it’s time to change your life for the better.
Just leave everything behind, I've often thought about it

Leaving everything behind does not mean that you have to end everything that is happening in your life right now. This thought does not always have to have a negative or fatalistic connotation. Sometimes it can also just be pronounced with a deep sigh, as if you are longing for something new.

Leaving everything behind is sometimes exactly the same as starting over. The statement “leave everything behind” can therefore encompass a lot of different, interesting dimensions in itself.

Restarting means starting over, keeping your own essence, but at the same time giving yourself the chance to take a step towards the unknown. This takes courage and can sometimes even be necessary.

Of course, the point is not to take an argument or a moment of weakness as a sign that you should just leave everything behind. This is usually not the right thing to do.

With this article we want to provide you with a little guidance during those difficult moments. During moments of personal crisis, change can sometimes be the best solution to a deep and irreparable feeling of unhappiness. Your main goal should always be the same:

  • improve yourself as a person
  • take care of your emotions
  • being able to feel comfortable with the person you are
  • take care of your own well-being.

Below we give you a few tips to maintain this goal.

When leaving everything behind is the only option

At times you can feel like a boat left to the wind and current. It seems as if the flow of life is sending you in the opposite direction and you have no control over anything at all. For example, consider situations such as:

  • A job that violates your rights as a person.
  • A painful and toxic relationship in which you lose all your self-confidence.
  • Being part of a family that doesn’t respect you and doesn’t value you.

The above examples are all a perfect description of those difficult situations that are marked by frustration and discouragement.

When your current situation hinders your life, it is necessary to do something about it. It is necessary day in and day out to say ‘no’ to denying yourself, to sacrificing your dignity until there is nothing left of you.

At some moments in life it is simply necessary to do this and there is no other option than to leave everything behind.

When leaving everything behind is the only option

How to determine whether or not you should take this step

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, don’t use every awkward moment in your life as an excuse to make such a permanent change.

Everyone has a disagreement with the people around them from time to time. In addition, some moments will be harder than others, from frictions at work to those classic ups and downs between you and your partner.

Complicated moments sometimes serve as the perfect personal challenges to learn to overcome. However, there are plenty of ways to find out whether the intention is to keep fighting or to prepare yourself to leave it all behind.

  • Dig into your roots, your true essence. No matter how complicated your life is right now, your inner voice will always be able to tell you if it’s worth continuing to fight.
  • If you are in a relationship, it is important to analyze a number of different aspects. Try to see if your partner has invested as much effort, dreams and emotions as you have.
  • Look at the balance in your relationship. If you are always on the same side in arguments, if you are always the one to yield to the tears or the attacks, then you have virtually no other choice.

If there is no respect, then love is not sincere. And if the love isn’t sincere, then it’s time to start over. Leaving everything behind is then the only option.

Leaving everything behind is a brave act

Leaving everything behind: a brave act

  • If someone doesn’t love you, don’t sit around begging for their love.
  • When you find that the bond you have with certain family members is built on emotional blackmail, create some distance between you.
  • If you notice that your work is affecting your health, it’s time to act.

However, there are also situations in which all these aspects can become linked.

A bad job, a difficult personal relationship, or the lack of support from those around you can force you to start over. Putting yourself to this is a sign of courage that defines you as a person.

Remember: you are the mainstay of your own life. If you allow yourself to fail, everything else in your life will collapse as well. So what you need to do is the following:

Tips to change

  • Inform the people around you about your situation. Be assertive and talk openly about your needs, what you are feeling and what you are going through.
  • If you don’t notice any change after that, if the situation remains completely the same even though you have expressed all your feelings, then it is time to move on with your life.
  • Cry when you need to and lighten the emotional burden you are carrying, but also try to imagine one thing. Try to imagine how you would like to see yourself in the coming months. See yourself as happy, calm and balanced.
  • This is what you deserve: calm. Calm the storms. To achieve this, you have no other choice: leave everything behind and create a new horizon for your life.
Leaving everything behind and tips to change

All you have to do is be realistic. Be aware that this road will not be easy at all. However, whatever you will encounter will be worth it.

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