Tampon Causes Leg Loss In Model

To minimize the risk of this disease, do not use a tampon for more than eight consecutive hours and alternate it with sanitary pads every day.
Tampon causes leg loss in model

Many women use a tampon. Thanks to their ease of use and convenience for women during “that time of the month”, tampons are very popular in the feminine hygiene product range.

However, every pack of tampons comes with an important warning on the packaging: a  tampon can cause toxic shock syndrome.

This syndrome is a bacterial infection and, although very rarely, can be fatal if the patient is not treated in time.

In a fairly recent case of the syndrome , a successful American model lost her leg because the disease was not detected in time.

Read the story of Lauren Wasser later. 

How does a tampon cause toxic shock syndrome?

Toxic shock syndrome is caused under certain circumstances by using a tampon. The disease  is caused by a type of bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium can be found on the skin, armpits, vagina, perineum and in the pharynx.

In fact, it is estimated that this bacterium occurs in the body of a third of the world’s population, without experiencing a negative effect on health. But an infection can cause this bacteria to increase in size.

Tampon with model

This growth mainly takes place in a warm environment. When that happens, the virus can release toxins that affect the body.

The appropriate, warm environment is created when a woman leaves a tampon in place for too long. After all, a tampon absorbs moisture. And inside the body it is nice and warm. This stimulates the growth of the bacteria.

This poses a huge health risk. Several campaigns have already taken place against the manufacturers of tampons.

Product Warning

Feminine hygiene products must now have a warning on the packaging.  But often this warning is printed so small that very few women actually read it.

If the disease and symptoms are not immediately recognized, the bacteria can cause enormous damage in the body, without the victim being aware of it. As a result, action is often taken too late.

And this is exactly what happened in the case of Lauren Wasser. After experiencing the terrible consequences of this syndrome, she decided to share her story with the world in order to raise awareness among the women who use tampons.

The story…

Lauren Wasser model loses leg due to tampon

Lauren’s unfortunate story began on October 3, 2012. Lauren felt weak and thought she had the flu. However, she was also on her period at the same time and was using tampons as usual, as she found them very practical when she was working.

Lauren had already had her period for 11 years at that point, and tampons had always been her favorite feminine hygiene product. That is why she felt safe and at ease during “that time of the month”.

As happens with many girls, Lauren’s mother had explained to her at a certain age how to use tampons, how the applicator works and that you should change tampons every three to four hours, otherwise they can be harmful to health.

The day the infection started, Lauren changed her tampons at the appropriate times, as she was used to and as her mother had explained.

That night, however, she went to a birthday party and there her flu symptoms started to worsen.

Lauren tried to act normal, but struggled to stay standing. The people around her also said she looked terrible. When she could no longer bear the symptoms, Lauren lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

She just wanted to sleep. Lauren didn’t go to the hospital that night, but told her mother that she only wanted to sleep and went to bed. Lauren’s mother was very concerned and the next day had a friend and a police officer visit her daughter.

They found her on the floor of her room.


It is considered a miracle that Lauren survived the syndrome. Doctors say she had only ten minutes to live when she was taken to hospital. She had a high fever and some of her organs were no longer working.

At first it looked like Lauren had had a heart attack. After the doctors saved her life , Lauren was diagnosed with toxic shock syndrome. The devastation was enormous when it turned out that the infection had caused gangrene.

Model with prosthesis

After losing her leg as a result of the gangrene, Lauren thought her life was meaningless. Finally she managed to recover and realized that a lot was still possible.

She therefore used this power to make women aware of the existence of the disease.

Her lawyer encouraged her to sue the manufacturer of the tampons Lauren was using (Kotex Natural Balance) because the packaging did not sufficiently clarify the risks involved in using tampons.

Back to work as a model

Now, several years later, Lauren is cured and back to modeling thanks to the support of those around her, who have always believed in her.

In a recent photo shoot, Lauren decided to share the result of her tragic story with the world for the first time by showing her prosthesis in the photos.

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