Comatose Relationships Will Destroy You

We speak of a comatose relationship when you feel trapped, whether it be because of your own conformity or because of your fear of facing reality. Be strong and find happiness.
Comatose relationships will destroy you

Have you ever lost yourself in a comatose relationship? We’re talking about relationships that keep you stuck, not moving you forward or backward. They are relationships that also destroy you inside and out.

After all, this kind of band means the end of yourself, because it puts you in a state where you feel like you can’t move. It’s like everything else in your life stops while you wait for something that will never happen.

What you should do

You don’t realize how important it is to be assertive in those moments. You have to be aware of what you deserve, value yourself and not be afraid to let go of that other person. Nevertheless, why are we often so afraid to do this?

Letting go

Accepting comatose relationships

No one is forcing you to lose yourself in a relationship like this, but somehow it comes down to accepting the situation that sends you into a negative spiral to the point where it’s impossible to climb back up.

Do you want to know what kinds of comatose relationships there are?

Are we a couple or are we friends?

Fear and bad experiences in the past sometimes keep us from talking openly in relationships. This raises doubts and makes us not know how to behave or move forward. It’s not a matter of the label you put on it, but of knowing what’s happening so you can perform appropriately.

I can not live without you

Emotional dependence is one of the most serious problems in the world today.

If you’re always looking for someone to make you feel like you’re not alone and need someone to make you happy, emotional dependency may be your problem.

I don’t want to be with you anymore, but I can’t break the habit and leave you

Many relationships last for a long time, despite the fact that the couple no longer wants to be together. This happens when you get used to being together and are afraid of breaking out. This situation prevents you from moving forward.

Read this:
Why do relationships come to an end?


Relationships that put you in a coma

The three situations mentioned above are real and more common than you might think. The first kind is the most important to watch out for.

There is nothing so bad in a relationship, any kind of relationship, if you don’t know what your relationship is all about.

If you don’t know if you are a couple or just friends, how do you behave? Communication is very important, but in this type of comatose relationship, one of the two is scared. Maybe he/she has been hurt in the past, you just have different intentions.


Sadly  , one of the two is going to get hurt if you have expectations formed in a “fake relationship” that are likely never going to be fulfilled.

In the second situation, one of the most dangerous, your happiness depends on the other person. It may be the hardest relationship to get out of.

The problem is not the relationship, but how you relate to your partner. It is a dependency created by emotional deficits, fears, and trauma.


Depending on someone else is one of the worst things that can happen. You will not move forward and you will lose yourself in a destructive relationship that you use to cover your wishes. Sometimes we also confuse love with needs.

To watch out!
Five signs your relationship is over


Learn to let go

All these relationships have something in common: the fear of letting go.  This happens even in relationships where there are doubts about what the relationship is because there is a one-sided hope that it will become something. But this situation mainly exists in long-term relationships, where the habit prevents you from making your own decisions and moving in a different direction.

The most depressing thing about a comatose relationship is not allowing yourself to find someone you can actually be happy with.

Burned Book


Letting go is hard and as you get older it gets harder and harder. After all, the fear of being alone and never finding anyone else makes you feel uncomfortable.

Have you ever found yourself in a comatose relationship?

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