7 Signs Of An Unhealthy Liver

7 Signs of an Unhealthy Liver

The liver is the largest organ in the body and is located in the upper right corner of your abdomen. It is also one of the most important organs in the body. It aids in the digestion of food, the excretion of toxic substances and the processing of glucose, iron, cholesterol and proteins. Processing all the toxic substances that we absorb every day costs the liver a lot of energy. But how do we recognize the symptoms of an overloaded, unhealthy liver and can we prevent liver problems?  In this article we describe the main signs of an unhealthy liver.

Symptoms of an unhealthy liver

With the exception of the brain, the liver is the most complex organ in the body. Keeping the liver in good condition is therefore essential for our health and well-being. A natural, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the perfect boost for the liver and ensure optimal functioning.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco, getting enough exercise and taking medication in moderation ensure that toxins that make you sick do not build up and are excreted more easily. That is why it is interesting to pay attention to a number of things to spare the liver a little. Because here too the rule is: prevention is better than cure.

1. Stomach cramps and bloating

Woman has hands on her stomach because of stomach pain

There are some days when we may experience bloating in hands, feet, ankles and the feeling of an abnormally swollen abdomen. If these annoying symptoms don’t persist, then there’s nothing to worry about.

However, if the complaints persist and you have to deal with an accumulation of air in the abdominal area, abdominal pain and delayed digestion on a daily basis, this may indicate an unhealthy liver. Toxic substances and toxins are not removed or are removed more slowly and accumulate in the liver. The result may be a risk of ascites or fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Consulting a doctor is then absolutely necessary.

2. Change of color of urine and stool

Woman with hemorrhoids on the toilet

If your urine is lighter in color than usual and your stools are also less dark in color or if you have traces of blood, these could be signs of an unhealthy liver or kidney disease and you are advised to consult your doctor. The darkening of urine can also point in the same direction due to an excessive presence of bilirubin.

3. Jaundice


The difference between normal skin and jaundice

A better known symptom is jaundice, the yellowing of the whites of the eyes, gums (mucous membranes) and skin. It is not a disease or condition, but a phenomenon in various diseases of the liver.

Jaundice is caused by too much bilirubin, a breakdown product of red blood cells, in the blood. This substance is normally processed by the liver and then secreted as part of bile. If the liver is not functioning properly, bilirubin is not properly removed from the body. This creates this yellowish color, which is so typical of liver problems.

4. Hypersensitive skin

Woman has itchy skin

When bile products get into the skin, it can cause itching, which in turn can lead to skin damage from scratching. A reduced filtering of toxins by the liver provides a constant itchy feeling under the skin. If the itching persists, also consult your doctor to determine the cause of this annoying problem.

5. Heartburn

Overview of gastric reflux

Common symptoms of heartburn are a painful, burning sensation behind the sternum, just above the stomach. Some people feel this as a pressing, squeezing pain or a pain that can radiate to the neck, back and between the shoulder blades. An irritated throat and coughing also occur when stomach contents regularly flow up into the pharynx. This heartburn can be a painful and annoying symptom of liver problems. It is also recommended to consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.

6. Diarrhea

Woman suffers from abdominal pain and diarrhea

The regular occurrence of diarrhea also points to digestive problems and possibly problems with the metabolism in the liver. Frequent diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Here too it is important to find the correct cause of this ailment.

7. General Fatigue

Tired woman lies on her desk

Symptoms that almost always occur with an unhealthy liver are fatigue, a general feeling of illness, weakness and lethargy. The liver works overtime to excrete as many toxic substances as possible and requires extra energy from your body for this.

The problem with liver disease is that the deterioration of the condition of the liver usually proceeds without any obvious symptoms. However, in case of persistence of the symptoms described above such as fatigue, diarrhoea, jaundice, persistent itching and fluid retention, it is best to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

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