5 Foods That Can Seriously Damage Your Heart

The foods that can seriously damage your heart are those that contain trans fats, preservatives, and added sugars. They can even be found in the light versions of foods, which is why you should read labels carefully when shopping.
5 Foods That Can Seriously Damage Your Heart

Did you know that there are foods that can seriously damage your heart? Heart health is fundamental to a healthy life. We all know it’s the engine of the body, but are we taking care of it as we should? The truth is, we often don’t.

There’s no denying that there is a strong link between being happy and being healthy, but that’s not always the whole story. There are times when we make mistakes in our exercise routines or diets.

In this article, we’ll show you foods that can seriously damage your heart. By reading this post you can find out if you are eating right or not.

Foods That Can Seriously Damage Your Heart

1. American cheese

American cheese

Cheese is a complicated food product in itself, especially if it’s made from cow’s milk and has matured for a while. The reason why lies in the excessive fat content.

However, yellow cheese or American cheese is an even riskier option because it is highly processed. They even add a vegetable dye to achieve the desired color.

  • First, the fat increases the thickness of the blood forcing the heart to work harder under more pressure.
  • In addition , sodium increases your heart rate when you consume too much of it.

As with any other muscle, this leads to damage over time. This is exactly why we need to keep it in balance.

2. Diet soft drinks

Diet sodas are a clear example of what we mentioned at the beginning of our article. We drink them because we know we won’t gain weight from them. However, they harm us in other ways that are just as dangerous.

Besides containing sodium, artificial sweeteners are not as healthy as we might have thought.

It is easy to get addicted to these drinks because of their sweet taste. In the ads, their selling point is that they offer that taste we love so much while helping us maintain our figure at the same time.

However, a study has shown that they often lead to cardiovascular problems in the long run.

3. Energy bars

energy Bars

It’s not hard to see why energy bars are so useful: they’re great for providing an extra dose of energy. To do that, however, they often contain saturated fats that raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, they are among the foods that can seriously damage your heart.

  • Bad cholesterol (LDL) thickens the blood, making it less able to circulate. The heart also suffers damage because it has to work much harder to do its job.
  • In addition, the arteries also suffer from the high density because they cannot process it.
  • All of the above can lead to some degree of arteriosclerosis.

If you exercise or if you have an active lifestyle, you can choose to make your own energy bars. Making homemade bars allows you to cut out saturated fats and preservatives.

4. Margarine

In addition to the fact that margarine comes from whole milk, which already contains unhealthy fats, margarine also contains several other types of milk.

Those other types of milk contain genetically modified elements that make them literal time bombs.

Keep in mind that light margarine products are no exception. Even though they contain fewer calories, the synthetic ingredients are still present. So, any kind of margarine is a food that is harmful to your heart.

5. Canned Food

canned food

Use caution with preservatives, especially butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a healthy food: once these preservatives are added, they are among the foods that can seriously damage your heart. To get an idea, just think of the poisoned apple in Snow White.

These substances can turn even the healthiest food into poison.

That’s why it’s crucial to eat as few of these foods as possible. We know that time and money can sometimes make it difficult to consume fresh produce.

Whatever the case may be, we recommend that you always pay attention to our warnings about preservatives. If you remember this you can use more natural and homemade options if you have some time or money to spare.

As you have read, even light products can be harmful to heart health. Calories aren’t the only thing that puts it at risk. There are many other aspects that we should always keep in mind.

This is exactly why medical experts recommend always reading food labels.

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