5 Aspects That Cause Signs Of Premature Aging

Lack of hydration, a not so healthy diet, stress and worry can all weaken our immune system and thereby accelerate premature aging.
5 aspects that cause signs of premature aging

Aging is a natural phenomenon that we should all face with integrity, optimism and fortitude. One thing is certain, however: our habits and lifestyle will determine to a certain extent how quickly and how strong signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin appear.

Fortunately, we can slow down and even reduce these signs of premature aging through a few appropriate strategies.  It is also important to be aware of some common mistakes that are often overlooked. Want to know what strategies and mistakes we’re talking about? Then keep reading!

Food and Signs of Premature Aging

Processed foods and premature aging

We all know that our diet determines our level of health and the proper functioning of our bodies. However, during our lives, often without realizing it, we adopt certain eating habits that do not benefit us at all, but instead harm our bodies and accelerate aging.

Think of habits like excessive consumption of refined flour, because when we come home in the evening for convenience we often opt for a quick option in the form of bread or ready meals.

Do not forget that these products are very rich in calories that are completely unnecessary for our body. These products are converted by the body into fat and cholesterol and ensure that the body does not get enough nutrients to maintain the skin.

Foods to Avoid to Help Prevent Signs of Premature Aging?

  • Sweets: Remember that too much sugar breaks down collagen in the skin.
  • Alcoholic Beverages: Excess of alcohol really attacks the liver, making it unable to properly remove toxins from the body, eventually causing premature aging. Always drink in moderation!
  • Salt: almost all of us like a tasty snack, a bag of chips or even those delicious and healthy fruit chips. However, these products are very harmful to your health. Don’t forget that salt is very dangerous for your body and it also makes you more prone to cellulite.
  • Processed meats such as hot dogs and hamburgers: These products contain sulfites, which accelerate aging.
  • Red meat: Red meat is rich in free radicals, which attack the collagen in the skin and cause aging.
  • Sugary and carbonated drinks: These drinks are a strong enemy to health and beauty.
  • All products rich in trans fats: trans fatty acids cause inflammation and fluid retention, make us more susceptible to sun damage and can cause heart problems. Avoid them!

Worry and stress cause signs of premature aging

Stress and Premature Aging

We should not overlook one fact: women are more sensitive to stress than men; women suffer from it longer and more. However, men are less able to cope with stress, which means that illnesses associated with stress are more likely to lead to death in men.

As you will see, these negative emotions that are not properly managed can lead not only to psychosomatic disorders, but also to premature aging. Do you want to know why?

  • A stressful situation that lasts for months or even years can cause serious changes in the body. Cortisol speeds up the heart rate, can cause serious lesions such as arteriosclerosis, and can even affect our brain health.
  • In addition to cortisol, stress can also cause the release of epinephrine, better known as adrenaline. Adrenaline causes combustion at the cellular level, prevents the synthesis of nutrients and causes lipids to accumulate in the blood.
  • Stress causes our immune system to deteriorate and as a result, premature aging hits like a bomb. Learn to better manage your emotions!

Low intake of antioxidants

Making lemon juice

The amount of antioxidants we get through our food is something we usually don’t pay enough attention to. Too few antioxidants make our body and skin more sensitive to the influence of free radicals.

Therefore, from now on, make sure that you always include the following foods in your diet:

  • A glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach
  • kiwis
  • strawberries
  • mangoes
  • melons
  • Oranges
  • Brussels sprouts
  • carrots
  • Spinach
  • cabbage
  • tomatoes
  • papayas
  • Pumpkin
  • A cup of green or white tea every day
  • Oily fish twice a week

One of the biggest culprits for signs of premature aging: the sun!

Sun protection to reduce premature aging

The sun is important for our health. That big star helps our body synthesize nutrients, such as vitamin D, for example, and can even have a positive impact on our mood. However, remember to be vigilant about exposure to the sun, avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and always use sunscreen (also as a daily base for your make-up).

If you yourself really like sunbathing in the hot summer months, from now on, be aware of the fact that this is one of the main factors for premature aging in women. Protect yourself!

Women and Calcium

Dairy contains calcium

Calcium is a mineral that we need more and more of as we age. Why? Women tend to suffer the most from bone loss and osteoporosis, conditions that sooner or later will affect our lives.

By not providing the body with sufficient calcium early on, our bones can also suffer from premature aging.

Therefore, it is very important to consume the following foods daily to promote our health:

  • Natural yogurt without sugar.
  • A glass of milk (if you are not lactose intolerant and you can digest milk well. If you cannot, try drinking almond milk or milk from another nut).
  • A portion of tofu in your salads.
  • Every day 3 walnuts and 3 almonds.

If your mother or other family members suffer from osteoporosis, you should consult your doctor for advice on how to meet your daily calcium needs through supplements. The sooner you start, the better!

Always try to put these simple tips into practice to prevent premature aging.

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